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Posts posted by Raining_again

  1. Added you both and you are more than welcome. No rules in particular as long as you don't steal or wreck anyone else's stuffs we're all good. (which I know no one here would do) =3

  2. So I have an update for you guys. As you may have known, I set a target this year to get to the 15 stone region (meaning I could be 15st 12lb or under) by the time it is my birthday in June. Next Sunday will be my birthday and unfortunately, I'm afraid that I haven't succeeded in my goal. My last weigh-in before my birthday was 16st 7lb. I need to lose 7lb before next Sunday and I know that would be impossible, especially under the condition I'm in right now.


    However, I'm proud of myself because I have lost almost an exact stone since January and a lot more in a year so I'm proud of myself and happy. On my birthday, I'll take a photo of me now and also what I looked like last year as well. But yeah, thanks to you guys for the support and the advice. I'm going to keep on doing it and hopefully get to my ultimate goal! :D


    15 st 13! or 13.5 if you measure in halves


    sure at least you are keeping at it that's all that matters yes!

  3. I've told him on more than once, in a serious manner, that I wanted to get with him. I'm really dense when it comes to romance so I tend to be really forward with people when I like them.


    Actually he's said a few flirty things before that have actually shocked me, talking about things that you don't talk to with opposite-sex friends EVER. I'm definitely not imagining it =(


    I emailed him at work and after more of the same I just had to come out with it and I asked him where I stood.... him: "friendzoned. You were joking all that time, right?" me: "....no" him: "...oh =(" & "I just don't find you physically attractive at the moment"


    so angry.... he's been at this flirting carry on for so long and NOT TOLD ME THIS UNTIL NOW. Fucks sake I sent him a valentines day card IN FEBRUARY and its FUCKING JUNE.



    And the worst thing is it's basically a conditional offer on the basis of me losing weight. That's the part that makes me sick to the stomach.



    I thought he was pretty clued up... A while ago I "jokingly" said that "I WANT TO BE PENETRATED BY YOOOUUU!" (actual quote - kind of encouraged by a bad little elf) so I mean that's pretty clear, no?


    so today he was complaining about lack of getting some. (Explained he'd had impractical offers from people abroad, not justifying the cost for one night stand) I was a bit confused at this point and asked him what impracticality I fell under... to which I got a response pretty much saying I'd never made my intentions clear, just flirted????



    *epic facepalm*

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