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Posts posted by Raining_again

  1. I tried that TDEE test, and it gave me the number 3582 a day ?


    i only put 3-5 days on excercise even tho i usually do at least 30 mins every day


    usually my gym session burns arounf 600-700



    then i must burn around another 100 in my evening cycle


    You must have put the info in wrong? Did you check you had the right weight type selected (kg/lbs)


    I normally would just stick in sedentary and add on the calories manually (with a hr monitor, it tells you exactly what you've burned for each session).. its far more accurate that way



    flinky, you'll probably need more calories if you are muscle dense, but its very hard to estimate.. more of a trial and error as everybodies *real* tdee is different, but that's a good basis to start from.


    If you're eating clean (which I guess you are) then your body will probably tell you if it needs more. For someone that's body building its far more important to eat regular protein than exactly how many calories you're putting in

  2. Trying my first proper fast day today. I think i'll try a 2:5 to begin with, and see how that goes. So i'll do one today, and then maybe another on Thursday perhaps.....i should organise it properly really. I'm not really that fussed about losing weight, i'm only interested in the health benefits of it.


    Planning on having beans on toasts tonight i think, which is around 500/600 calories.


    @Raining_again what do you typically eat on one of your food days? Do you seriously just eat anything?


    Yeah I try to have 3 meals, and a treat in the evening, the whole point is not to count. And eating healthier is a good idea but don't refrain from having something if you want it. 2:5 is a good ratio for someone (like the doc on the programme) who haven't got a massive quantity to lose. I'm doing 3:4 and losing at a nice pace, but thinking of moving up a little to 7:7 over 2 weeks.


    I bet you loose a ton of muscle on that diet.


    If you actually read the book / watched the tv programme you'll find you don't. Muscle loss takes a lot longer than 24 hours


    Fasting is NOT the unhealthy thing that the media has it set up to be, and its actually a trusted option by many professionals and holistic therapists in treating a lot of medical problems. I've been on fasting diets before now to treat my acute psoriasis,



    Just a note: its not recommended you do intense exercise on fast days (like weightlifting) but walking etc is safe enough, and you can keep heavier going stuff for feed days

  3. hmm tuna and pineapple, haven't tried that one..... yet


    I'm not a big fan of fruit and I find the great majority of it annoys my tum (ibs)


    I like it in small doses... the ocassional banana, some pineapple, maybe tinned fruit

  4. Friday 10/08/12 DD


    Breakfast (8)


    SF jelly 8 cals


    Lunch (253)


    2 x Nimble 102

    30g phili 33

    snap pot spag hoops 118


    Dinner (238)


    chicken 195

    mushrooms 16

    25 g phili 27





    Something like that or just don't eat until evening and have a 400/500 cal meal. Some people actually fast properly and eat nothing, just drink plenty.

  5. I was sceptical at the start because I thought "that doctor is not REALLY fat and he probably doesn't eat that much in excess" but actually it works brilliantly for me.


    I've been 20 stone, and have a pretty bad eating disorder to be honest. So if it can work for me, it can work for anyone.


    Its tough at the beginning and you have to STRICTLY count your 500/600 calories, but you are pretty much free for the rest of the time. If you're a big eater (and want to lose weight) its better to up the ratio to 3fasts:4feeds or 3fast:3feed with a sensible cal counting day in the middle somewhere. I think the doc did 2:5 but like I said he's probably not as big an eater as I am. Really its just a matter of trying, experimenting and making changes where you see fit.


    My week goes:

    Mon fast 500

    Tues feed

    Wed fast 500

    Thu feed

    Fri fast 500

    Sat feed

    Sun intermediate - about 1500ish calories


    Its changed my life. I'm actually happy and not depending on food when things go a bit shit. I no longer binge and I have a weird indescribable feeling of well being. << that part being possibly the BEST part of the whole thing.


    Minimins.com is a great place to go if anyone wants to do it and needs support/has questions. The sub forum is called JUDDD (dr johnsons upday downday) but its basically the same thing =) I basically live there now =P

  6. I was reading up about bread because i'm a loser, although keeping bread in the fridge will stop it going mouldy for longer, it actually speeds up the staling process, so you have to make a decision as to whether you want stale bread or non-mouldy bread. However, i think it becomes stale far quicker that it becomes mouldy, so probably best to just get a bread-bin.



    Egg-wise, i don't really eat a lot of eggs. In fact, the only eggs i eat nowadays tend to be ones cooked in cakes by my girlfriend. I like scrambled and boiled eggs, but fried eggs i'm not that fussed about.


    bread goes in our freezer and is lifted out when its needed :)

  7. Its an incredible diet, I've been on it for 3 weeks and not even considered cheating once. I just eat 500cal, Mon Wed Fri... and eat what I want without going overboard for the other days.


    Averaging a pretty typical calorie counting total over the week, and I've lost 13.5lbs in 2 weeks.


    Theres definitely a weird chemical inbalance in my body that this seems to have regulated on this diet. I went from compulsively *needing* to binge, to actually looking forward to fast days....!

  8. I've got an 11 year old, 1 litre Yaris that I only have to fill with petrol every 5 weeks. It's damn awesome. But you know I couldn't imagine driving another car... for one I'd struggle to park a big car and i'm spoilt with the small amount of money I have to spend on my current one.


    If I won the lottery or just had lots of money I'd buy a toyota RAV4 (the old style one, like Letty used to drive).


    Not really keen on replacing my car because every bloody new car looks the same! (ford focus anyone?) Even the new Yaris looks like a fucking Focus.... =(

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