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Posts posted by Raining_again

  1. My lungs died, anyone got a spare?


    Went to my orthodontist appointment, the first out of the house activity pretty much all week, my lungs are painful and burning. Just the little activity of getting in car and driving and sitting in a dentists chair for half an hour....


    Sick day again tomorrow, have to go get a sick line if I have to be off on Monday... Urgh... Really can't be doing with this...someone fix me pls

  2. Aww, bummer. But if you can (or may) then just walk. Walk, walk, walk. Spend 1.5 hours walking every day until you can train again.


    I did an hours walk today and spent most of it coughing my lungs out.. Fun...


    My mum and sister had it both, were quite sick but not rendered bedridden like I've been. That's autoimmune conditions for you... moving into the third week of this vileness and I don't really feel that much better. I'm just worn out from all the coughing and lack of sleep.... :(

  3. Chest infection, no training for over a week :(


    Eating hasn't been great but not totally derailed. Was consuming a lot of honey on my sun/mon fast (for medicinal purposes) so I can't see me losing weight this week, with that and no training. Determined to have a good fast today (started last night) to keep myself on a even keel. I haven't been this sick in a very long time but pleased that I've sorta managed to keep a hold on things eating wise. Normally I'd be like fuck it and just be eating everything and anything and put on 4 or 5 lbs! Would be pleased if I managed to stay the same this week. Currently 1.5lbs up but a good fast should see to that.. :)

  4. @Raining_again




    Found this today randomly. Thought you might like it. Apologies in the advance for the writers terrible writing skills!


    Just quoting this again, ive been pondering for a while, and came to the conclusion that the postergirl for this blog post is what I'm aiming for. She literally is a goddess. Thanks for bringing it to my attention charlie! Now I've got a real vision of where I want to be. Sure I couldn't be any further than that at the moment but it's a real incentive to keep doing what I believed to be right (that women should train like men) and just emphasises the success you can have with that type of training.


    I managed to get a 9kg kettlebell from a colleague today, so I'm gonna hit the ground running and get onto training with it instead of my 8kg. I wouldve liked 10 but this one was free :p hopefully the jump from 9 to 12 will be more manageable once I'm really comfortable with the 9.

  5. Cacking up green stuff seems to be the plans for my weekend. My lungs feel like they've had needles stabbed into them a couple o hundred times... I really wanted to do a fucking spin class tomorrow god damn it!!!!! I'm hardly in any fit state to go on a bike for 5 minutes let alone an hour :(


    I never thought I'd be huffing about not getting to the gym, guess that's a positive? Normally I'd be like fucking happy days a chance to be lazy but I'm displacing my addictive behaviour onto the gym.... It's probably gonna bite me in the ass sooner or later..

  6. Adding yoga to your routine could be a good idea! Helps to strengthen and loosen up muscles.


    RE: Weight loss.... I've gained probably a stone since being in Australia (!!). Giving up smoking provided a noticable jump' date=' but I've gotten lazy recently. Need to get on top of it (and see a doctor so I can discover whether bobbing my head about is making my eyes worse or not. Complicated/long, depressing story).[/quote']


    My gym does a yoga class so I might give it a try. :)


    If you want to talk about it with someone, youre welcome to give a eye sympathiser like myself a shout :) hope things get better for you.


    My back feels lots better today. Almost all but gone. But I'm spewing green shite from my sinuses at the moment. Blehhhhh. I doubt I'll be better for tomorrows gym session :( the diet is completely on the spot but just annoyed that I can't go to the gym!!

  7. It's pretty new to the exercise masses I think. My fitness first gym only got them in this year :) I'd only tried them for the first time last Saturday! I do like them though. I feel like I have a lot more control with a log shaped weight rather than a very dense kettlebell or dumbbell. It's a lot easier to keep the correct form because the weight is distributed better I think. Whereas you have to have a lot of strength in your hands/fingers with a kettlebell or dumbbell (I've got terrible lack of strength in my hands, just another one to work on!!)


    My back does feel lots better, just a bit tight generally.


    Normally I train today but can't with this cold, so I just did 30 Kb swings to keep the muscles working a little. Nothing huge and did it with relative ease...



    I've noticed lately that my body is completely changing. I'm getting a lot more dense and a lot less flabby, (although still flabby enough haha) and lumps and bums are decreasing all over the place. I'm getting to a place where I've not been before. 3 sizes down, from a 26 to a 20 :) I have before and after pics that I'll post the next time I'm on le computer :)

  8. So I had a very long and flirtatious text conversation with slimgate.... It seems like being a total bitch grabs his attention.... I have literally no feelings for him now except wanting to tell him what an ass he is, so I'm quite enjoying it lol.


    Being a bitch wasn't ever in my nature but now I'm a lot more confident I'm fine with it. Lol. Not bitching in a nasty way, just not apologising for being honest or for being myself! When he called me weird I used to back down and say well sorry etc, but now I just threaten to karate chop him or beat his shortarse :)


    Bunch o fake tan and some more hair and that's totes me btw ;)

  9. Is it your lower back?


    I hurt mine a several months ago and basically had to stop everything and start my lifting from scratch again, so be careful. :)


    Lower back injuries really seem to linger for a long time for me. I have started deadlifting again (back up to 100kg now) and even though I'm focussing on form more than ever I still feel some discomfort for a few days after.


    Is it those high rep clean and presses that's stressing your back? If so using dumbbells held by your side instead of the Vipr might take some stress of your lower back.


    I have a back problem anyway, my discs slipped out and were undiagnosed for a long time. Because of that the muscles in my back are weaker. Think it's just something I have to do to get through it and build up the muscle strength again. It's not a pain as in damage, it's like a pulled muscle only not quite as acute, like a really bad post workout ache. I think you could be right about the vipr but I know the kettlebells also cause this kind of ache too. Guess I'll just keep going carefully. I'm not at the gym today as I'm dosed with a bad cold, so I won't be in til Saturday now (as Friday is a fasting day for me, no gym) so I've had a good big rest break. Might try something different and do a spin class on Saturday, batter the legs a bit instead of the back lol :P

  10. @Raining_again




    Found this today randomly. Thought you might like it. Apologies in the advance for the writers terrible writing skills!


    Ooh thanks that's an interesting read. I totally believe in the whole theme of that post. I do aim as hard and fast as I can. I don't understand the point of sub 6kg weights :P I'm trying to push myself as hard as I can but I also have to go with caution to protect my joints (arthritis).


    I pushed myself beyond anything I've ever done in the gym today. I had to stop a few times because my hr was hitting mid 180s... :0


    Today I did:


    Warm up - x trainer - intensity 4 - av speed 10 - 4 minutes




    The cycle I mentioned before, going through 10, 12, and 15 reps of each ( doing all 10 reps first, then 12 then 15 so you aren't doing two sets of reps of the same exercise if that makes sense)


    Kb 2 handed swing 8kg

    Rotational row (trx body weight)

    Clean and press (10kg vipr - log style weight)

    Kb alternating hand swings 8kg

    Reverse lunge & row (trx body weight)

    Squat up and chop (6kg vipr)


    Then after that I got on the vibrating plate for 3 x 60 intervals of


    Left lunge, right lunge, squat.


    And the squat up and chop is only supposed to be 10/10 (l/r) in each of the 3 phases as its a hard one, but I ramped it up and did the 10/10,12/12, and 15/15



    I am going to HURT tomorrow but I feel fucking bloody brilliant right now :)


    Also I lost another 1.8lbs, bout time. I've been surfing in the 250/240 region for too long and now I'm finally well into the 240s :)


    Edit:I'm dosed with a really bad cold too. Hardcore gym ethics ftw. I'll probably die but whatevs :p

  11. Landlord should be getting structural checks and roof checks to make sure there's no leaks or problems. It's their house. We had to get someone in for our house (parents own it) We had problems with the guttering on the roof and ended up having to have the whole guttering replaced. It's not cured the problem but it has had a significant impact.


    I just found bleach was as effective as the mould killer shit and not half as toxic. Do not use mould killer without airflow, a lot of room and a mask. And don't spray it anywhere near your breathing space. Vomiting blood is not fun :(

  12. Oh good god someone take away the power trip.


    Nostrings seems to have had a hard time over "us". And I quote: "Im torn between desire and code" (lol) "been consuming silly amounts (food) of stuff these past few weeks, I eat when I'm unsettled" (to which I asked what's unsettled you) "I dunno. You I think" think he's realised that this isnt going to work as friends... pity cause I do actually like him.


    Slimgate texted me saying we could hang out on wednesday, to which I said "where you taking me". Like fuck I'm putting up with being treated like shit. If you want to be my friend you'll spend time with me, not invite me over to spend time ignoring me.


    Checkmate bitches.


    Raining_again is taking no damn shit today

  13. I know it's a bit of an obsession I can't let go of. :p I did gain 3lb but lost 4.8 last night. Exercise does tend to have that kind of effect on me. I've eaten perfectly, counted everything to minute detail and exercised 6 times in that week, and gained half a pound (this was a few years ago) I was so pissed off that I derailed my diet and caved completely. Not doing it again because that's what got me back up to 20 stone. I know I've lost inches so I'm not worried as such. It just worries me as a lot of gain tends to me I'm gonna have bowel problems or women problems very shortly. I'm well aware that I can't gain masses of muscle, that doesn't bother me, but I believe there's an element of truth to it. From what I gather muscle cells store glycogen, so the bigger they are the more they store. And they also retain water for repairing purposes. And when you lose weight you can hold water in the empty fat cells until the body sees it no longer needs the fat cells. There's so many different possibilities. All the little things adding up.


    I'm dosed with a bad fevercold thing but I ain't letting it stop me. I'm for the gym tomorrow even if it kills me. Was gonna go for a spin but my new cycle shorts haven't arrived, so I'll have to get on and beat my training plan. I'm for doing all three sets of the ones I listed earlier. Only did 2 the first time. Pain is heading my way but no pain no gain!!!!!

  14. K I'm just going to sit here til my arse stops hurting :( I couldn't even get into my car earlier, fuck this really makes me feel unfit. I was so pissed at the scales that I took it out n my body and wrecked myself... Have to get a splint for my wrist as I've buggered it up as well. Yaaaay.


    Ace job on the running ramar. (palindrome high five)

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