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Posts posted by Raining_again

  1. Yeah I think they could still do plenty to recover, like ditch the MASS number of shops they have in cities... They only have 1 local to me, and that's all they damn need.... It's nice being able to walk around the shop and browse the titles and the offers... I would genuinely miss it, its not the same buying online!

  2. even mines not 100 and i'm moderately obese and pretty unhealthy at the moment.... mines in the 70s usually. Oh, and yes i meant HR earlier, not bp, getting myself confused lol =P


    My dad went to cardiac rehab today, and they take everyones resting pulse for progress stats (and ultimately funding) and my dad's was 51.... He's on meds to lower his bp/cholestrol/everything and he's also gotten EXTREMELY fit (even though he already exercised 3x a day prior to heart attack) He's basically nothing but lean muscle @ 16 stone and 6 ft 2... yet doesn't look like a bodybuilder at all... im not really sure how he does it...

  3. You can all say GAME is shit and whatever.


    But end of the day, alot of people are going to lose their jobs. In the current climate, it's hardly something to laugh about and be glad at.


    I hope they survive for that reason.


    exactly... even in the best circumstances (they survive and have to cull shops like barratts did) lots of people are going to lose their job...

  4. I haven't bought anything expensive in a while, been on a savings drive, so I decided to treat myself.



    (withings wifi body scales £119)



    (fitbit £79.99)


    and I'm considering getting a gym membership again - gonna go for a few weeks on a pay and go basis and see how I get on

  5. Ine is here now and has been here for a week. Things are going well, I would say. It was nice having her parents here, they helped out with lots of stuff and got us started.


    She's currently sat at her desk doing work. Yup, she's pretty much taken over the place. :heh:



    woo so the boss is settling in well then? :p

  6. Well, basically, you aren't really supposed to eat food in the call centre in our work... but the owner of the building (who we rent from) is perfectly ok with eating within reason (aka don't bring in a 3 course dinner, but fruit, and snacks are ok, as long as you are tidy, which we all are). The evening staff bring in chinese/pizza and make a whole load of mess which is what the no eating rule was designed for.


    Our last boss basically told the higher up that it was fine and the owner was ok within reason etc... higher up not happy.... and now we've got a new manager who's dead keen to please higher ups. So he's basically been pedantic about the whole thing, no food AT ALL. Yet he sits and annoying slabbers away at chewing gum REALLY LOUDLY. And his phone rings constantly even though theres also a big fat sign that says TURN ALL MOBILE PHONES OFF... and the poor bastard part timers that are in get a 15 minute break over like 5.75 hours.. (they designed the shifts so they could spend the least money and have them having the least paid break possible legally speaking). One person is a diabetic and gets VERY ill if she doesn't eat regularly.... the boss said to her "I can't make an exception for you". I might have a quiet word in her ear and suggest she speaks to occupational health because legally speaking they CANNOT do that and occ. health would back that up.


    It could have been dealt with far better from management. but I also don't believe that the 3 of them going all guns blazing was the right thing...

  7. hollllllyyy shiiiii~~~ some serious stuff went down today at work, I was beginning to wonder if a fight was going to break out... managers implementing a silly petty rule none of us really like, and 3 people basically went full throttle verbal abuse at him. I actually left the room (excused myself to the bathroom lol) at one point because it was so bad, like watching a car crash... I came back, not long after it kinda had simmered down a bit, boss shortly went out of the room and was on his mobile phone (probably to the boss) and shit is going to...hit...the...fan. Serious disciplinary and/or p45's I reckon. So glad I stayed out of the way

  8. its very easy once you get into the swing of it and find alternative food you can deal with...


    I'm currently eating a diet of "don't stain/dirty the braces" because they are white ceramic pieces on my teeth rather than metal, and give away ANY stains or bits. I had heinz tomato soup and my teeth were stained orange.... not sure what's in that stuff but it just seems to stain everything!!

  9. I pretty much don't eat anything sweet other than apples, and I have Agave nectar with my tea rather than sugar. Still, my diet isn't exactly healthy, it consists almost entirely of meat. By which I mean chicken. Someone out there must lament the amount of chickens that have had to die to keep me alive.


    Worth it!


    my bodybuilding friend is the same, he goes through what must be about a whole chicken in a day =P and half a dozen eggs!!


    But yeah, you're nearly better having some real sugar in your diet than toxifying it with a load of crappy sweeteners. And natural yoghurt has very similar/less calories than the mullerlights

  10. It's the sweeteners they are filled with,Wikipedia reference-linkAspartame which isn't particularly good for you.


    Its one of those things that spikes insulin but doesn't give any real sugar for the insulin to consume. In excess it can lead to a high amount of insulin produced, which then leads to syndrome x (constant hunger & basically the lead up to t2 diabetes)


    I've cut out all of my sweetener in my diet and its made an unbelievable change in my mental focus and tiredness, infact I'm sleeping a lot better. I just dropped the sweetener in my tea and eat natural yoghurt instead of the processed ones

  11. if you do the same sequence of training, the last area on the list will always get less work because you'll be more generally & mentally fatigued, so it makes sense to focus on one area, or switch around constantly... my trainer used to focus on my shoulders a lot and by the time we got to legs I was so wrecked I couldn't put half of the effort in that I did at the start!

  12. i probably would because there's always cats in homes in desperate need for a loving home :) but i guess if your mum doesn't want one and you live in the same house you can't really go against her wishes... maybe try taking her to a home to actually see the cats... i always leave wanting to rehome every single one of them lol

  13. Okay... we'll keep stretchable. But really, easier on the bandwidth? :heh: Unless you're using 56k you're not going to notice the difference of a few KB... and the graphics will all cache first time around anyway. Looks like the whole stylesheet is not loading for that theme, I'll figure out why when I get chance, but it's a low priority tbh.


    @ReZourceman, sorry, I think it's something lost in the crossover. I can still retrieve things from the old forum, I think, until tomorrow so let me know if it's urgent.



    I use a portable internet dongle quite a lot that's probably less than 512k... the blue links don't bother me that much, just don't get rid of it! :)

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