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Posts posted by Raining_again

  1. But to be honest, twats will be twats.


    quoted for ze truuuuths


    people will just get in more debt and not care if they really want the alcohol that badly.


    I think it would be nicer to support our local public house industry, rather than the supermarket chains which pull in profits of billions every year..

  2. incoming call centres are infinitely easier than outgoing. Apply for it and see how you go. As people have said its a good way to pay the bills, and gives you the chance to get out and meet people near(?) you. Working is the best social life =P I remember you've said you struggle at times to build friendships (i know I do too) and working in those kind of environments will help that. In a call centre you pretty much have to communicate with each other, asking each other for advice, liazing with management about various things etc



    I used to practically crap myself when the phone went.... now I actually look forward to the phone ringing, and i've got a super confident phone voice, everyone says i sound like that even on personal calls ha ha

  3. ohh well done peeps! how'd you go???


    I had sort of good news today, big boss lady came down...said she had news about permanency and our banding appeal, although I not sure whether or not to trust it! We'll probably have to jump through hoops just for a secure job... bad times

  4. Blimey, that baby is 3 months old?! How small was it?! It's miniscule!


    well development wise its probably around birth age or a bit less as prems don't tend to develop as fast outside of the womb.




    yes thats a dummy beside him

  5. Ha! So my Advent 4211 wins over the NC10 in the lifespan test :heh:


    I have had mine for a long long time but it seems like they develop faults where the connection going through the hinge dies after wear..

  6. to be fair i think michael jackson had a lot more visual abnormalities than just the loss of skin pigmentation :p but yeah I hope its managable.... coming from a person who has had to deal with a skin condition from a very young age, i know its not nice at all.


    And hopefully they can treat your friend... all you can do is be there for them and hope for the best

  7. the old yaris models are just an arse with the dash. They have round wheel/spoke style vents so you can fit nothing onto them (as opposed to traditional square vertical vents).. and the fan controls have to be taken off (easily lost) then the entire control part of the dash removed just to get a cd player unit in!

  8. Looking to get a tablet to replace my failing samsung nc10.


    features needed:


    - some kind of access to either openoffice/google docs

    - being able to use the internet as is, and not by "mobile pages" like phones do


    Favouring android for the apps, but would consider other OS's



    Budget... up to £250


    Ideas would be lovely... I've looked around a bit but can't get my head around a lot of it, and some real user experience would be nice =P


    Thankyoumuchly <3

  9. its common for cats to get eye infections... you'll need to get the cats to the vet though as it probably won't go away by itself...


    Beanie had a bad eye infection not long after we got him, good fun trying to administer eye drops to a cat... lol

  10. Argh, i was driving home after a lovely dinner with my wee sister, and some wanker nearly caused an accident...


    We were both going the same way off a roundabout, it was a turn of way more than 180degree (meaning you go on the INSIDE of the roundabout) and I went on the inside lane, she went on the outside.... Had the FUCKING cheek to toot at me, so I slammed the brake, and tooted the fuck out of my car back.... Pure fucking class wanker.

  11. anything more than a couple of units with a meal is considered binging. Anything more than 2/3 units a day is a binge.


    You don't actually realise how much damage you do to your body.... I've had my bloods monitored for years (due to medical conditions) and i went through a stage like we all do of going out and getting plastered... and I actually did damage to my liver, my blood tests came back irregular a few times.. certainly was the scare tactic I needed. I still drink, and occasionally binge, but its not a regular weekly thing for me.


    I also agree on the binge eating/obesity thing. Definitely need to tax crappy food or provide more incentives to farmers/fishermen etc, to help bring down the cost of natural healthy food. Bowel cancer has overtaken every single cancer and is now the primary killer. I work in the nhs and the cancer centres we have contact with all say that bowel cancer is a problem now, its actually not a ticking bomb, the bomb has gone off! :( One of the bigger ones here has 2 days a working week to deal with ONLY bowel cancer, in comparison to 1 of breast and 2 for the other cancers.

  12. No, I asked people who like beer and like going to the pub to consider emailing their MP! Thanks. :cry: The A&E has nothing to do with anything. Again, please start your own thread




    How has the nhs/a&e got nothing to do with drinking and its associated costs? People who binge drink will most certainly expect to get seen by specialists when everything goes tits up and their liver starts to fail...


    You're not making yourself out to be any less moronic with that ridiculous argument.


    Topics evolve and get discussed here... if you don't like it don't post.

  13. oh my.... no one's taking you seriously because you tell people to sign a petition, you don't want a discussion, you want signatures. People want to discuss it and you just get pissed and cause a load of shit throwing... well done successful topic...


    The BIGGEST reason for admission to a&e is accident and injury caused by being intoxicated. Smoking related lung cancer drains a whole heck of a lot of resources from the nhs. These things get taxed for that very reason. If you want to drink pay the price and quit yer yapping

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