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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. http://www.nokia.co.uk/nokia/0,,69538,00.html that should clarify it?
  2. you guys are only gettin a ban in places where food is served tho? i think ours applies to all work places
  3. thats terrible! :/ i mean dead bodies come on these people shud be laid to rest! no one deserves that!
  4. I remember her running the coffee shop when she was kinna more innocent and she got with jack tehe..she does want someone to love her, but she did deserve that from karl! bit her back ten times over!
  5. max found out about izzys lie. he said that if that really happened she'd be crying bloody murder or sumthin like that. So she admitted to him it was a lie, and karl just happened to be walkin in the door, he got all mad and she crawled after him, and he threw the tickets at her, resulting in a screaming match in front of everyone of course Then karl was sitting all sad on his own and susan came over and she put her hand on his. AWW!
  6. sounds....like...a lot of fun, im sure :/ people do abuse the system, but thats what the mods are for.
  7. thats very true but it sometimes kills threads when people write lots of really short replies, i mean what can u say to..."lol" or "i agree" with no like reason/opinion behind any of it?
  8. totally agree dude, id rather spend double on something good i can play lots of different games/modes with than a crap one that last 5 hours! jeez what a waste of money
  9. it just encourages a different type of spam tbh but i think it shud stay
  10. aom rocks my socks, i LOVE the god powers, u can trash a whole village in one single strike :D meteors here i come
  11. rokhead, thankyou! you summed up just about what i think
  12. Could ya see the state of the NHS without the tax on fags, that would be pretty damn scary!
  13. awwww thats awful bowser! does that make you worry about this bird flu thing at all?
  14. I still play it got it free with my pc 6 years ago
  15. tehehe trevor mcdonald....can he read the future. doubt it. im not gunna panic til theres cases over here theres no point, your just gonna go all stresshead and not eat chicken or run in a mad panic if one comes near you
  16. I totally respect your opinion, people should have a right to a non smokey environment. i hate people that smoke when im eating! thats gets on my nerve! there must be a better compromise, smoking in the pissing rain will not makin anyone a happy camper. But yeah saying all that any not having a clue how to have a compromise doesn't exactly work
  17. seriously, dont tempt me IMO sweat/stale drink is rotten, id rather smell smoke myself, and that is coming from someone that is now a non-smoker, and i do think fags are horrible, i just cant resist them
  18. Mr Odwin - you must have a sizeable hard disk to fit all them programs on!!!
  19. meh i like AOE1 better why did they get rid up the super priest!!!!! That really bugged me. AOE2 is probs my least fav outta AOE1/AOE2/AOM for some reason it seems to go really slow in comparison to aoe1, or maybe thats just me
  20. Izzy cheated on karl. then lied, hid the facts, schemed to get darcy killed, then lied again, theen finnally admitted the truth! go team susan! throw out the trash
  21. well its been all over the news here, northern ireland is goin to be smoke free in pubs in about a year an a half. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/northern_ireland/4346802.stm personally i think it will destroy pubs all over the place, N Ireland has a scary number of young smokers, infact i don't know many people that dont smoke! i could see all the young people having house parties, instead of going to the pub. so its Scotland, Ireland and northern ireland, any news of the English/Welsh ban?
  22. i hate goin to the town when its really busy its just flipping annoying i always get up early on a sat and go into town at 9am, its dead at that time over here, and you dont have to worry about bumping into people you hate but i love helpin a customer and using my knowledge and wisdom to help them and when they are really happy with what they got its great! but generally ballymena people are incredbly cheap and never happy
  23. teheh i nearly cried when poor karl was sittin there and then susan went over and put her hand on his!! they so have to get back together!
  24. did anybody ever play civilizations strategically? some ones had faster villagers etc. my favs were babylonians
  25. When i put the Start Something album on media player it decides the genre to be heavy metal...mmm....how bout no? i get what kopo means about the slight emo-ness to the lyrics, i think they are more like soft rock/pop rock maybe. still a class album tho
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