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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. I had acupuncture again, and its really stopped working. Feeling a bit down about it :/ Every time I lean my elbow on the desk I can feel a hideous joint rubbing sensation and shots of pain going up my arm... ARGH. I was chattin to my friend and he needed some advice about his relationship. His gf had said that she wasn't sure about their relationship any more... I found it a little odd, seeing as I met up with him and said ladyfriend, and they seemed in love as ever. I just suggested he go out of his way to treat her, do something romantic or fun, out of the ordinary to spice it up a bit. He seemed reassured, so that was my good deed for the day.. I don't know why people ask me relationship things, i'm the definition of single! >_>
  2. : peace: : peace: : peace: : peace: You rock sir. This is the only sugary version of a drink i'll ever have, cause its just so awesome. Pepsi max = winner. Edit: @ soag - also the additional bonus of loads of free coke might sway the decision?? XD
  3. I don't know when I agreed to that Sir Despite living (probably) less than a mile away from Buttons, I actually have never met her IRL... Shows how much I get out of the house... :awesome:
  4. Hahaha I agree with coolness, its too much like hard work trying to get yourself a good rep on a new forum. Stick with the one you love <3 Woo! Forum hugs!
  5. I agree, I don't really get it.. The graphical side is out of this world, but I dunno I just kinda felt a bit lost... Watchin Junjou-romantica. Homosexual and quite emotional in some parts. I like it but, its very strange. ^___~
  6. Oh really? I investigated YOU. I'm revealing my findings. I have no facts about the other two so I'm not pointing the finger at them for now, is that okay? Obviously something to hide? My vote still stands.
  7. Is that no comment then Lazyboy?
  8. I'd like lazyboy to tell us a bit more about himself. He's in a group afaik. I don't believe groups to ever be a good thing. Thus; Vote: Lazyboy
  9. I'm not silenced and I managed to discover someone that can liaze with other members outside of this thread.. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
  10. See when you put in updates to new stuff, you should add a link to them. Makes them easier to find Its a very nice attempt.
  11. My old server scores 5.5 on the vista index. I overclocked my opteron 170 processor and i just have 2gb ddr1 ram. I don't have a licence for my pc, may just transfer my oem copy onto it. Its not the amount of ram that ups the index, more the speed, and quality. According to vista: "Computers with a base score of 5 were the highest performing computers available when Windows Vista was released."
  12. Everything else internet related works okay? Thats really odd. I'm assuming you haven't got a beta version of MSN.. Clutching at straws, but have you tried a windows update?
  13. Or you could just click the link? It actually scares me that if someone gets a hold of your credit card they can buy things online with much ease. :/
  14. I remember this one from the 2007 version those credit companies are making it out like your debts will be all gone, so you can spend more money. Hooray
  15. I think you should make the menu bigger or more obvious... I totally didn't notice that it was there. Nice job tho
  16. If it doesn't you'd be FAR better buying a cheap motherboard bundle imo. That's a complete waste of money...
  17. SHUSH some people actually do like hollyoaks! ME being one >_>
  18. They have a new one now, its a bit wick... A girl and a fella rolling down a hill making out.... Odd. As. Hell. As for the big brother ads, I hated them 'cause Big Brother is annoying, and it stuck in my head
  19. My ma got her credit card haxd. They tried taking out 78p or some random as shit number...then for the big monies. Luckily their credit card company is awesome and rejected the attempts. Woo!
  20. Hmmm. I had an issue with this ages ago, and I believe that my contact list on their server, (or wherever the hell it is) was corrupted. I signed on and it disconnected me. sometimes i was online, but appearing offline to everyone, and other times msn just died. Is there any way of you trying it on a different machine? Could eliminate any problems on your PC...Somehow I doubt it is, but its worth a check regardless
  21. Wireless internet isn't the most reliable, its the sacrifice you get for wanting freedom...
  22. Damn you beat me to it. Its pointless... Also the ads (commonly used by big brother) where they just flash the logo for two seconds...weird.
  23. qft. with a spec like that there's no point in having a huge amount of ram, it wont be used. I'd say 2gb at very most. Any more would be a complete waste of money. When I say 2gb ram, I dont mean oh windows will handled 3.5 or whatever etc etc. Your system can only go as fast as the poorest of your components. Its like having a super awesome processor and like 256mb of ram or something. Ie its being bottlenecked somewhere else.
  24. Sorry can I clarify here: You have a PC, which you want to upgrade? You want to upgrade the cpu and not the fan? 1. Why on earth don't you upgrade the fan, fans wear out and if they die can cause you problems. (especially if the current one happens to be a fair age) 2. if you replace the cpu, you have to replace the thermal paste and refit the fan.. regardless of whether it is a new fan. Ram is usually easy if you are careful and use a STATIC STRAP (very important) but there's a fine balance between not enough force, and too much force with all of the components in a pc. If you aren't careful they can break.
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