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Posts posted by Raining_again

  1. Callouses are so weirdly satisfying. For some reason I loved when I started getting them on my fingers, on the other side of the bar to the normal upper palm ones.


    They REALLY are!!!!


    my fingers used to be calloused to hell, but now they're all soft again dammit :wtf::heh:

  2. Yeah I thought as much. Real fireplaces are awesome, and they are still uber common over here (n.ireland) with houses not all having central heating. As well as oil fired heating, my parents fireplace hooks up to hot water and they've got a pump which circulates it all through the central heating system.


    Meanwhile I'm stuck here with Economy 7......... ugh. :mad:


    Their next door neighbours only have a fire, and no central heating which means they have to put on a fire for any hot water........ totally old school

  3. I like the tidier bottom tiling. Also cat artwork yay...!


    Was there a full fireplace there before? (looks like there could have been) That might be the reason why there was so much tiling on the bottom, as you really need it to have a fireguard & protect the floor.


    I have sorted out my finances today... Got almost 6k to put towards a house, nearly 2 of it was saved by me in the first year of me renting where i am. Hopefully come spring time I'll be able to start looking. Got a smallish budget, so I'd love a place that needs work. Thankfully, unlike my sister, I inherited my dads engineering skills... I will have no trouble doing anything around the house. :-)

  4. I like the BBC but I do think the pricing is a bit much.... For how very very rarely I watch any terrestrial TV I feel like i'm really not getting my monies worth.


    Most TV I watch are paid channels on sky, like skyone and comedy central - are those required to also have a tv licence? Its really very grey and nobody i know seems to know for definite

  5. Aww Hi Max! :D <3 tuxies!!! :D


    I love that "Literally how dare you" look in the first one. :D


    Yes.... I was getting the death stares for laughing instead of rescuing him :heh: thankfully he knows to trust me enough that i will rescue him from the bad blanket now.....:indeed:

  6. I don't think there are all that many people who really like online dating. It's just better than a lot of alternatives. Maintaining a profile on one of the free sites, and occasionally sending out a wave of messages takes up a lot less time than going out somewhere to try and meet potential dates, not to mention, a lot cheaper, and a lot less irritating than going somewhere like a club. Then there's the fact that you can pre-screen people a little bit. If there's some sort of major deal breaker, I'd much rather know about it before I put in any time and effort if possible. Of course these days, about half the women near where I live on these sites don't even bother to fill out their profile beyond a few pictures, which I've always found makes them difficult to message.


    O I totally agree with this (especially when it comes to kinks in the bedrooooom)


    I genuinely enjoyed online dating. Because I was trying to get to know a whole bunch of new people, I got to discover new music, films and other stuff. It was great. Plus I got to have some decent conversations. It was frustrating when people didn't reply, but once I stopped getting hung up on certain people, messaged everyone who seemed interesting and started getting more replies, it was actually pretty fun.


    ....and this...



    but its still uber shit getting abuse thrown at you for existing, or feeling like a dirty piece of meat with sickos slabbering over me... and i'm not even anything much to look at lets be honest! :wtf:

  7. Yeah FF and all those "cheaper" gyms are terrible for that kind of thing. They have employment terms/prospectives that really only attract newbie trainers with minimal knowledge - thus that follows through with the kind of stuff you see happening in a gym. No good trainer will ever stay in FF etc because they get better paid offers. I know FF is all based on a self employment ideal, the PTs used to pay about 700 a month in gym rental fees and had to make that back (plus any of their own bills like rent etc) within that month. Absolute con for them.



    Oh yeah, on another note - i rejoined a gym, just until i get a bigger place of my own. Realistically I haven't the space here but one day i plan to.


    I was up at the gym on Tuesday past, had my sensible head on as it was my first time back. Here's me thinking I'd do what used to be my warm up.... squats - 5reps bar only, 3 x 3 of 40. Then i think i did 2x3 of 40kg hang clean/p.press.


    I used to be able to do bar x 5, then keep adding 10kg for 5 reps up til 75kg which i did for 5x5. Mind blown. The glandular fever has fucked me over and i've probably got less muscle and less strength than even before I started weightlifting !!!


    I was fucking crippled the day after, like no doms I have ever experienced before. Even today 3 full days later i am still aching and struggling to walk normally. Shockingly bad.

  8. Back when I got my first full time job, it really threw me for a loop. I made a thread on here way back when I started this job because I was freaking out at the idea of basically losing all my free time. Now, I've become used to it, but it does really suck. There are lots of things I want to do in an evening but I'm usually physically and mentally drained by work and just veg out with a game. I think my biggest issue is spending too much time regretting decisions and not enough time chasing my future plans. I've got some decent dreams which could turn my life around, I just have to pull my finger out and do it.


    Also, if I could tell my younger, amidst-education self any one thing, it would be: to make way more friends and connections whilst it's really easy to do so. Socialising is a concept that's very difficult to recapture if you opt out early on.


    So to answer the question: growing up isn't what I thought it would be, I can see ways to change that, just gotta do it.



    QFT without a doubt.



    Also, staying up late is really not as fun as it used to be........:zzz:


    I always thought the idea of having a job and rent/mortgage to pay would be so scary but its really not. Everything is a blur of meh

  9. I hate bad form, so much.


    Even if I did have bad form (i don't) they are too scared to approach the blue haired freak in the squat rack :-)


    I'd rather sacrifice reps/weight over form. Your 1rm is never going to be pretty but at least keep it safe. Rounded back is noooooo. half assed squats... NO you should at least GET to parallel. Bench, now you're just being a dickhead, do it properly.


    But then I just zone out on everyone else, my focus is me and that bar, not a single other thing.

  10. I really dislike online dating. I think people in general think its easier for women to date online, but its really not.


    You get all kinds of fuckers chancing their arm. Older men, ones looking a shag, stupid idiots with half a brain cell on a good day, and its evident that they haven't even bothered to look at my profile.


    I figure, hey just ignore them n that be it, but o no they keep messaging, & ive even had a few sending nasty messages when they don't get what they want.


    Oh and when I got a guy that I thought was cool, we even dated n got quite serious, then he dropped me outta the friggin sky.





    I do also agree with Zech's. Don't assume that just cause you're sucessfully talking she or he gonna fall madly in love with ya.... Talk to as many people as possible!



  11. I'd love more cats, but I won't be getting any more cats while I have spark. I don't think its fair on him, he still has bad days and even at the best of times I know hes glad to get peace while I'm at work.. Another cat would probably bring back his anxieties... :-( "special" cats are a lot of work and something you should only take on with a lot of experience and patience, but its something i'd do again without hesitation. The reward I get knowing that I am giving sparky the BEST possible life now is something I can't quantify.


    Buttons' is doing great with hers too, they are so sweet and spoilt to death like my sparky is. And they like me :heh:

  12. A girl at work who I quite liked and got on well with has just got engaged. I knew she was in a long term relationship, and never actually envisioned getting with her, but it just serves as a reminder that I'm still single while the dating pool is getting smaller.


    I feel this way actually. Not long til I'm 30


    I think i'm too independent & controlfreakish to accept a relationship. I went so long without one that I developed habits I couldn't get out of!

  13. I had one of those days where I did what I needed to do, but it was a struggle to get there.


    Teaching and then lifting is exhausting. May have to start getting some more food in me as I feel I need to start eating more to compensate for that.


    Fucks sake. Why can't life be all "stay home, play games, lift weights" and then get paid a lot of money for doing that?




    Life sucks lol

  14. From this:







    To this:






    6 months ago I adopted Sparky, he was an "unadoptable" aggressive cat, who attacked everyone. A few people had witness him going for me while i was sitting nowhere near him and not even touching him. I was getting attacked every day, sometimes more than once.. in fact i'm still physically scarred from that picture above. With a bloody lot of patience & hard work on my part he slowly started coming around, attacks went from daily, to weekly, to monthly. Now hes a precious loving wee guy that always gives me a wee singsong when I get home from work and to be honest he has kept me sane over the past couple of months. :)

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