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Posts posted by Raining_again

  1. So... today was awful. Heres a run up of what happened:



    1st aug - Betty goes missing (little do we know at this time she was killed pretty much straight away). Family combed the local roads to see if she was lying somewhere. Nothing.


    8th aug - Neighbour approaches us, tells us he saw Betty dead on the roadside, and that someone had moved her. He said he did NOT get out of the car, but knew it was her. And that it had happened on 1st (that saturday night at about midnight was when she went missing.)


    So we all process this and grieve as you do. But somethings just not clicking.


    1- the council don't collect roadkill on sunday, thus family would have found her based on where he said she was

    2- how did he know it was her at a glance from a vehicle




    Fast forward to today 10th. Mum rings the council, thinkin hey maybe we did miss her, maybe they picked something up in the past WEEK. Nothing.


    So later that day they take a walk round the area. Look over a wall on the opposite side of the road, and they find her little body. My mum calls me in an absolute state. They ring the council and thankfully they came out (even though they only collect unidentified roadkill)


    They got her in a box, and took her in the car to the vet. I met them there. We gave her over to them, so she can be finally cremated and come home to us.



    Our hearts are broken.


    I'd put EVERY single penny and every single thing I own on the fact he did it and cowardly hid the fact. (hes got history of this kind of thing) Thing is if he had just picked her up n brought her to us, it would have been OK. He would have gone up hugely in my estimations. What kind of neighbour does that?



    (this neighbour is only a few years younger than us and we all practically grew up together)

  2. I wish more women had this knowledge - As a former PT its nice seeing free weight areas in gyms not being over-dominated by men.


    Why thank you. When I used to go to a gym I was that awesome chick that lifts heavy ass weight. :-)


    My coach got me into lifting. He started me with a typical routine, kettlebell swings, and these rubber vipr things (a lot like a light hollow strongman log) and he was like... yea u need to start lifting..... when i told him i was doing cleans and presses with the 10kg vipr inside the 20kg one. I also mentioned to him that i was interested in doing this deadlifting thing i've seen online n stuff.... and his eyes lit up when he ran me over the basics and i got up to 100kg first time. And that was me hooked :D



  3. Was at the derm office for a checkup yesterday. Dr is checking all the blood tests i got done recently in hospital. "oh you got tested for glandular fever and it came back positive"


    Well fuck, that's news to me! Apparently, I'm lucky I had the sense to go to a&e when I did.. (about 3 weeks ago) My throat would have continued to swell until I stopped breathing.. :wtf:


    Aaaaaaand all of a sudden everything makes sense. Feeling ill for about a year prior, feeling awful after I was treated and discharged.

  4. Top advice from Daft and flinkeh.


    You can develop muscles, without being beefy (and also lose fat weight). Massive added bonus of muscles..... you base caloric need grows. Body requires extra calories to keep muscles, but fat requires none.


    I did moderately heavy squats, heavy deadlifts, and olympic training (NO CARDIO) x3/4 times a week, ate whatever I wanted without gaining weight. Probably surplus of 3500 calories a day. Heavy leg workouts make you HUNGRY - and I was doing these on every single workout.


    Being flabby sucks. I miss my muscles. I miss losing weight while barely trying :P


    I've completed a whole week of int. fasting. My sleep is better, I'm mentally happier, my inflammation is down... AND i've lost over 3kg in the first week. BoooooooOOOOoooooyah.

  5. I'm sure if we put our heads together we could think of something fun to do with it. :heh:




    oooooh yeahhhhhhhhh :yay:


    *Home gym crew bro-fist*


    I like your squat/bench rack. Any idea on what you'll be doing next?


    I really, really recommend that you get a weight tree.




    You can get them off Amazon and it'll be a wise purchase. I used to have my weights "stacked" on top of each other to save space and it was a pain trying to get to the ones you needed. I tried placing them against other objects and there's always that fear that they'll slide to the floor or cause damage of some sort.


    It also looks tidy as fuck. I love mine. :D


    Me tooo i wanna join the home gym bro thang plox :yay::yay:


    I wouldn't mind a weight tree but very limited on space, and bumpers are bigger as well... Hmmm. This will be a purchase for when my "weight space" becomes a "weight room"


    Was gonna buy a stacking holder, or make one, but you think they're a pain yea?



    Depends on if/where I move, in the future I might buy an Olympic set but keep the original, that way I can leave 20s on a bar all the time which would be pretty cool. Although depends how much I might get for the old set on ebay. I've thought about a weight tree but it's money I can't afford right now on luxuries like being organised :p The squat rack was a great purchase, easy to adjust, spotter catchers protect you on bench and squat, and it has handles on the back for dips too.


    Oly oly oly oly oly ollllyyyy set! Buy eet naow.

  6. I don't think there is anything less relaxing than yoga, and i AM flexible lol.


    I need to like, reverse my mobility. I'm hyperflexible, which is good in ways but not in others.


    Yer doing a snatch of half your body weight and the bar goes waaaay behind you because your shoulders stretch so far, yea you be in mighty big trouble! Fell on top of my coach once :awesome:

  7. Intermittent Fasting is the best. I feel so fucking alert in the morning.





    Do you do the leangains (fasting every day with small feeding window) or ADF/eat stop eat?


    I fast 3 whole days a week (mon/wed/fri. Ain't go no time for fasting at the weekend, lol.


    On the squats thing, I do high bar squats because of my oly training (it transfers better across) I tried low bar and it just didn't work with me. I don't really think there's right or wrong, just whatever you can lift most weight with =P

  8. We've got a holiday coming up in just over a week and it's coming at the wrong time. I'm making good progress and could have done to carry on for a few months longer.


    I'm happy with my squat form and I've noticed a big improvement with my legs compared with last year. I got a huge rush earlier and a good pump when squatting earlier today. Feelsgoodman.


    Hoping that I won't have to back track too much when I get back.


    Isnt that ALWAYS the way. You get on a real good track, eating good, lifting good, mindset goooood. /joey. then you go n have a holiday in perfect timing to completely derail it all lol

  9. I only realised how far I'd come over the past few years when its gone.


    I used to be huge in a muscular sense and now I'm just huge in a belleh sense :blank: I've been good at maintaining my weight, if anything I've lost weight since I was seriously athletic.. That's what chronic illness does to ya :blank:


    Tip of my fitness about a year ago I could have easily deadlifted my own weight (120kg) and threw the weight of a small person over my head (about 60kg)


    And at the moment I can't even clean 45kg...


    I miss my muscles.... And even though I did ZERO cardio I had some serious endurance which has also gone down the sh*tter lol


    As I posted in the purchases thread, I've gone and bought some bumper plates, and already had my own olympic bar, so its happening dammit!

  10. I wish I'd bought bumper plates... I think I'm going to have to re-paint my floor before I move out :p


    Yeah I can image they'd trash the floor pretty quickly... My landlord would go through me for a shortcut if I used metal plates on the laminate floor lol :shakehead


    Definitely recommend an investment in them - not even for damage, but noise levels too. Bumpers protect your bar too (if its dropped) =) I will have a lifting room one day, when I get the money together to buy a place!


    :yay: (this guy is totally doing invisible bar OHPs)

  11. It seems the last query from our solicitor is in the process of being answered, so we might finally be ready to exchange contracts and complete soon. We have waited for our house for far too long, but we might be able to get the keys in the next fortnight or so.


    We have a lot of work to do once we do though...


    Ahh so exciting. My sister got the keys to her house earlier this month after a THREE YEAR search. Absolute madness this house searching malarky!


    Good luck with all the jobs and enjoy it, its a really exciting time for you guys :yay:

  12. I think sometimes the ugliest looking food tastes the best <3




    mmm cake.


    vanilla sponge, with strawb jam filling and a white chocolate buttercream icing

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