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Posts posted by Raining_again

  1. Had such a bad feeling in my stomach today.


    Got to solicitors. Docs all ok, until we get to the maps. There's a feckin discrepancy in the land. Original deeds have slightly more than the land registry docs recently done. Searches say no change to boundaries since build. It's not the land size really, its like a strip of land probably less than a foot in front of the house (assumedly to support the foundations/front step) and it is not present in the new documents.


    I am so fucking FED UP with this.

  2. If its aching in your lower back and not so much mid back (as well as legs shoulders neck) you're doing it right. If its really hitting your mid back you aren't bracing your core enough or you are rounding your back (which is very naughty lol).


    I love deadlifts, they are only a close second favourite against clean&jerks.

  3. I rang solicitor today, all the stuff is DONE. Going in tomorrow to go over the details and book the signing.





    I will also be in the same boat as you soon enough @Shorty. I've got some extra money, but it and more has jobs attached to it! No backup money scares me a LOT.



    Also glad im not the only one going through heavy mortgage stuff on my own! Seems here people are mostly doing it in couples, which is financially so much easier!

  4. Oh my goodness @Animal thats incredible!!! Good work!


    as of today i've lost 12.9kg which is just over 2 stone. Currently 123.6kg, I want to get to under 110kg and recomp between 100 and 110.


    On a mental health note - I think I might have to accept that i'll be on SSRIs for my life (even on a low dose) because I just can't keep a handle on everything through my depressive phases, which usually results in me eating a lot.

  5. Yeah I hope so! Though saying that i'm not loving the idea of moving either. My flat is completely non furnished so EVERYTHING I have is mine, which is great expense wise but not so great moving wise :blank:


    Bought some uber cheap bulbs to replace the energy efficient ones in my flat :laughing:

  6. well that's what I currently have been offered. depending on the market I probably will go into another fixed deal. It is nice to know that for the next 5 years at least i have a fixed amount.


    I spoke to my solicitor on tuesday, and he said a few more days, so I'm ringing on monday again. Hopefully for good news!

  7. I used to hate summer, but my flat is fabulous in the summer, its lovely and cool (on the downside its FREEZING in winter) but i miss having a garden.


    But I fear my new bedroom will be too hot, as it has a big south facing window. I can't cope being hot in bed, have to have a cool/cold bedroom. Ugh.


    I also sat out for too long on sunday past and got burnt... which is now peeling #foreverwhite

  8. Not that your form isn't good or that the person watching doesn't know what they're doing, but do your own research. Make sure YOU know your form is good – and on top of that WHY that is good form. I see a lot of shitty form in the gym from people who should know better; they've stalled while I've kept progressing.


    Only yesterday did I see a Personal Trainer okay a client doing not-even-close to full range of movement (RoM) EZ-Bar curls.


    Like I said, I'm not saying your form is bad or the person spotting you doesn't know what they're doing but the only person you can really trust is yourself after doing some proper research.


    So make sure you learn proper form and also learn why that form is mechanically correct.


    I so so so so so agree with this. Some "personal trainers" don't have a notion what they are talking about half of the time. I worked very hard to ensure my training was done right at the very beginning because its harder to work out mistakes than training right in the first time.


    I've seen dudes attempt to copy my workouts before, and doing it so so badly because they just go to the gym and haven't had proper training.


    The amount of PTs I've seen telling people its ok to do squats on a smith machine. Or teaching them terrible terrible form while swinging a kettlebell. Just NO. :nono:

  9. My solicitor just asked me for a copy of my photographic ID and address evidence for the money laundering thing.


    The deeds and land registry has FINALLY BEEN SORTED. Now on week 17 as of tomorrow, and waiting on my solicitor to get some bits and pieces back.

  10. Down 10.6kg in 5 weeks. Want to get another 15kg off over the next 11 months. Plan to start lifting again so gave myself a somewhat slow loss plan.


    When I get my mortgage reward (£1750) I plan on kitting out my small bedroom with a custom made squat rack and proper flooring. So I can start doing a modified Stronglifts. I miss lifting, a lot!


    But in the mean time intermittent fasting on its own is keeping me ticking over

  11. the belfast store quite literally goes IN A CIRCLE. Miles and miles to come back to where you were!!! Go up a set of stairs and instead of going right to the showrooms/circle of hell, you go left and go down the stairs. I would imagine most ikeas have a similar setup.

  12. s-l1600.jpg


    From Ikea. As well as some small wastepaper bins, LOTS of freezer bags, and 4 stools.


    Went there and didn't kill anyone, found the hax in the belfast store so you don't have to walk the circle of hell (also known as the furniture showrooms)

  13. I really don't know where you got that from, no offence, but it's rubbish.


    The only scientifically proven way to lose weight is to eat less than you need. You can't spot reduce fat, you can't "tone" muscles, they get bigger or smaller. Active people that aren't losing weight are no different than inactive people not losing weight, they're just overestimating what their body needs.


    Cravings are just mental, and keeping busy will keep cravings at bay.

  14. still losing weight, about 10kg down now :smile:


    I have a feeling that intermittent fasting is REALLY good for my overall health. My arthritis is a lot lot lot lot lot better lately. Now yes, that could be down to me losing weight, but i've been a LOT lighter than this weight and suffered arthritis worse than even the bad patch recently. There seems to be some evidence, though nothing iron clad, that suggests people w/ inflammatory conditions can see great improvement in their symptoms by doing I.F. Every time I have I've had a reduction in most of the symptoms of the various conditions I have.


    I'm hopefully going to be able to find some money to purchase a small rig setup for my 2nd bedroom, so I can get started on lifting again. Yessss.

  15. if its at all feasible and you want to put roots down, i would buy. Know a lot of friends who have settled in nice rentals and had them pulled from under their feet at a moments notice. But if you want to float around and decide where you want to live renting is the best at least in the shortish term. I rented before I bought and I definitely learnt a bit more about what i wanted as opposed to what I thought was important.

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