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Posts posted by Raining_again

  1. :p:p



    What age would everyone here like to be? Or are you happy with the age you are now?


    I'm actually really enjoying this stage of my life. :bouncy:


    In my late teens early twenties I was being diagnosed with this that n the other... now I've grown a bit and learned to accept them. My body is still (somewhat) forgiving but its fighting back enough for me to motivate myself to be a bit healthier, whereas in my 20s I was a big ball of chaos. Wouldn't even go back to the earlier part of my 29th year as I was really ill and even admitted to hospital. Only just getting over the glandular fever now!

  2. I have eco 7 which is about as much use as a slap round the face. I have a plug in heater which is oil filled (looks like a regular heater and is the most efficient type of plug in one) which i use as my main source of heat. Detest having to put any of them on as you may as well just throw your money away. Not only is both eco7 and the plug in heater ridiculously expensive, its really inefficient in these flats. Got 3 outside walls, and damp problems which require keeping the window open all day.


    I'd rather be cold than warm and mouldy...ugh.


    The only way I could keep on top of the mould growth was by repainting the entire room with special anti mould paint (much like toxic pva) and silk paint for ease of cleaning... out of my own pocket of course.... my landlord just painted OVER the mould lol

  3. Got my fingers crossed for you guys! If it doesn't work out just try to remember its not meant to be! I was outbidded somewhere else, which turned out to be not for me, the one I'm now buying is far better.


    Was hard but try not to over bid as banks will only give you a mortgage for what its worth and you have to find the remainder (on top of the deposit!). Ie if you pay 105, bank says 100. You still need your 10% deposit AND you need to find the additional 5k. (or take a lower percent deposit if you can, and pay moar money in the long run)

  4. meh, its been a lovely day but my flat is COLD. I've got very deep windowsills, which means, at this time of year the sun being very high, i'm not getting sunshine inside. Its warmer here in autumn and early spring!


    I'm just SO against putting my electric heater on in fucking june (almost!) that I sat in a fluffy blanket sulking lol

  5. definitely advise a second viewing!


    A small kitchen isn't a bad thing if you are organised (clear out stuff you don't need and don't buy a lot of unnecessary gadgets you never use). My kitchen is small, & I like it.


    For a possible family it might be an issue, but even then if its a lovely house sometimes its a sacrifice you have to make, as long as you have a decent living/eating area

  6. ^^^ Yes


    I used to sit around the top end of 18 stone, maybe 19 when i lifted. Was very close to being in a size 20. I'm about that weight at the moment and would be a 24 (with no muscles).


    My body felt better. My boobs were more supported with muscles behind them and looked miles better. My legs used to be amazing, for being quite heavy i had next to no fat on my lower legs, and my upper legs weren't far from it. (i am a very big build though)

  7. I was so annoyed yesterday morning, I just rang to check in with agent and didn't think they'd get it moving so fast, had accepted I wasn't going to hear anything before this weekend, so it was a great surprise :D


    Lots of people have got keys and moved in before me, i'm not upset haha. Just think itll be worth holding on because there are so few houses like this for my budget, could be waiting years for something similar to come up. The only comparable houses at the moment are bigger, but they are made of Orlit (prefab concrete), which is next to impossible to get a mortgage on


    I've also found a new sofa i REALLY want to buy..... eek my money is being stretched! Scary!

  8. Yeah its good news mate! its essentially what we call "recomp" where you are developing muscles while losing a bit of fat weight. Its very very good. You don't lose weight but your body reshapes.


    Muscles are VERY VERY good, they increase your caloric requirement which means you can eat more in a day! My muscle days were the best, I ate like a pig and the only weight i gained was dem muscle gainz. I was working VERY VERY hard at the gym though. I think I was eating 3000 cals a day easily and not gaining fat!


    Oh oh OH I also lost another 1.3kg this week


    started at 136.5, now 121.1 (-15.4kg) in 8 weeks!

  9. You only need it when you've got public waterworks under your land. I don't know if you own your land but I will own mine and that will be a factor. And my house is on a very big main road. It's supposed to be provided as part of the deeds/land reg information.


    I rang the agent today, got through to one of the owners/partners. and he kicked some ass.


    Copy of application (from vendors solicitor) was hand delivered that day.


    Provisional date of contract exchange is 6th June. fingers crossed nothing else goes wrong!

  10. double drama raaaamaaaaa


    My solicitor wanted maps to show where the public water line runs under my house/land. Vendors solicitor is not complying. Mine wants it.


    My mortgage offer runs out in early JULY. A MONTH AWAY.



    I'm actually going to KILL everyone involved.


    When you say sorted, do you mean just finalised and properly registered?


    Has the boundary been agreed?


    Deeds say house plus approx a foots length of path.

    Searches say no change to boundaries.

    Land registry has a different boundary (just goes around front of house)


    Not a problem unless vendor decides its hers n builds a big oul brick wall in front of my front door :heh:

  11. My dad bought a computer in '88 and plonked 2 year old me on it. I thank my parents for my typing skills which landed me my job :heh:


    most of my early stuff was DOS games. I didn't get into nintendo until.... the Wii. I joined this forum before the wii came out as my friend @soag made me. The only console I had in the 90s was a PS1.

  12. I have lost 14kg in 6 weeks...!


    I ran around ikea today (pushing the heavy trolley too) leaving everyone in my dust, when normally its the opposite!


    Getting into the depths of fasting, switches on something inside my body that just makes me feel like magic. Last time I was like this I was training hard and hitting some crazy PBs. I'm not training at the moment but I will be sooooon.

  13. This is something that really annoys me, £16/17/18 a month is a lot to spend on something you don't get tangible use out of. Bit like rates. (the money just supports the fact they exist, and maintains them).


    We don't have cable in ballymena, or i'd go that way. My ex had cable in north belfast and he was getting 180mb. I miss borrowing it :heh:

  14. I saw this post and I just wondered.


    I'm 25 :)


    Getting closer and closer to 30 :weep:




    seriously that's nowhere near 30 lol :heh:



    I'm 29, 30 in july! Eek.


    Interestingly, since I was 24 I had a plan that I'd like to have a mortgage by the time i'm 30. And here I am in the process of getting one, about 2 months prior... lol

  15. I have an empty house to move into, neither of us on a chain, and this has been ongoing since just before christmas.


    My sister was in a similar situation and her solicitor took 3 weeks.


    Really is just luck of the draw as to how long it takes!

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