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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. I've followed up with another lovely Yankee candle - peach and sweet berries! (£13something later!) a box of chocs from Thorntons and a card!
  2. Blasphemy!
  3. Here now! Thats a bit harsh - you do realise that all women are not the same... I actually scare people (read: men) off because I'm TOO open/obvious. So dont judge all women by what you deem the majority
  4. Or them all? The Great-Social-Networking-Takedown 2009!
  5. Looks like bebo's servers been hacked or lost a lot of data.. All my friends have been deleted, and I cant re-add them. Shames - I really didn't like those bebo scum anyway :P
  6. Sad times indeed.... :awesome: Yeah if you aren't on the dole do it naow. At least it gives you the motivation to at least TRY to get a job (but yeah I'm well aware that jobs are near on impossible to get atm) I was lucky enough to get a job pretty much straight from college. If you do get a job beware - working full time and studying at night class (especially higher level courses like degrees) is REALLY BLOODY HARD. Night classes actually require a hell of a lot of motivation. I still haven't finished the HNC I started doing.... lol
  7. Dont take anyone elses word but the girl - especially not from someone you have conflicting feelings about!
  8. Wouldn't it just be a LITTLE creepy if she died on the 24th o_o
  9. I've had this pain starting in my back, right between my shoulders for a while or so.. Now its multiplied somehow - into a mass of extreme pain. Worst thing is I cant take any painkillers/brufen/paracetamol(!) cause I'm already so dosed up on painkillers. Yay. Work was fun, the boss wasn't in so we basically did very little other than answer calls.
  10. The past few days I woke up with wobbly front teeth! (which seem to stop being so after half an hour max) My sister thinks its cause im grinding my teeth in my sleep. Boo. I had a lesson today and did 3 point turns! Pretty succesfully if i do say so myself! - ie didnt kill anyone in the process! I dont think i hit the kerb - might have touched the one in front of me.. i didnt quite get the hardbrake up hard enough, so I was still moving. But could have been a whole lot worse =)
  11. Happy birthday Hadeenn
  13. My mum always fusses. I just leave her to the odd text every now and then and she seems happy enough! Texts are the best invention ever, far easier to lie in a text
  14. Jay's hair for the fucking win. It suits you muchly sir. Now all you needs is to dye it blue again. =P
  15. I feel the same way tbh. Everyone likes to think they are part of Ireland when its all fun and drinks, but its a disgrace when the troubles rear their ugly head.. Not saying everyone thinks like this - but I know a considerable number of people that do.
  16. Public holiday = day off work get! Although its kinda shit because monday is utter madness for us. We get maybe 50% extra calls incoming on the day before public holidays, so its crazy shit (300/350 calls instead of the normal 200) I don't drink, and I'm not really Irish as such.. So I likely won't celebrate. Nice to have a day off work, so I won't complain too much
  17. I like tattoos and body mods, but fuck - I'd rather someone shot me than did that to my eyes. Just the thought makes me want to shrivel up and die. Look how little of the colour actually stayed too... Yick.
  18. I agree on the bolded part, it is rather bloody good. I'm not so keen on the profile view thingywhatsit but I'm sure all will be good once my head gets round it
  19. waaaaaaaaaaaaht. Are you taking the piss? heh. That sounds really sore.. I don't think I'd want to risk going blind or anything.. (I'll just go for the contact lenses if i want strange looking eyes )
  20. mmm I don't intend to stretch to 30mm (lol) so I'm thinking I could be okay with it. I like the idea of the asymmetry and not having to buy doubles of every size plug though
  21. I really like that tattoo. Black tattoos on white skin is just love <3 I'm not a big fan of coloured tats at all. Eye tattoo - waaaahh pain! --- I've only got one piercing now, lip.. Considering getting its symettrical brother.. maybe. Now i'm on imunno-supressants I might not have the same reaction I did with the last one (pain)... Question - how doable is it to have a stretched lobe and an anti-trag? I'm thinkin': trag and anti trag on one ear, maybe 3 or 4 up the lobe of my other ear, lowest one being stretched. I have both lobes pierced, considering just taking out the lobe on the side I plan to trag and anti trag.. Advice?
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