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Everything posted by catsamurai88

  1. Don't get too ahead of yourselves, more than anything else it's likely to be in a similar vein to the old Survivor Lightgun games. And that wouldn't be a good thing.
  2. The Flash memory's mostly for the VC games as far as I know. Game saves will be stored on SD cards. We just haven't seen much of them, but they were announced at one stage, probably E3 2005.
  3. I'm pretty sure it was Nintendo of America that wanted the Zelda games to flow chronologically, but I think Miyamoto was opposed. Though it seems to have changed now, for the better I might add. I'm not sure whether I want a clean start on it, Nintendo often seems a bit hit and miss. Besides you'd be effectively killing off every plot feature. Aside from Ganon, Zelda and the Triforce what else is there? Rest assured though, whatever they end up choosing, you'll still end up with a couple of million fanboys taking up pitchforks in rage. (Don't forget the WW debacle) Seriously, why release all this info on a game that has been in development for three years two months before E3. I think it's too early to throw the possibility of a cruel April Fools joke out the window just yet.
  4. There is no evidence saying that it will have a worldwide release in November, however passing it off as wishful seeking shouldn't be done hastily. All logic points to this November launch. It's unlikely there'll be a huge differences in the launch dates. If it was Japan and the USA who got it on November, and PAL gamers had to wait again, Nintendo would miss out on the Christmas rush, and basically the only time they are guaranteed moderate interest in their platform. There'd be massively lacklustre sales for one of their biggest investments. You might argue that Rev. compatibility would allow it to go on the market later, but the fact is most gamers want to play new games. And releasing it earlier wouldn't stop those who would get a Revolution to play the game from doing exactly that. Releasing it worldwide in November is a move that has no drawbacks, unlike the usual PAL Zelda routine, and having waited for it for so long, there is no excuses for a further three months of delays for us.
  5. Firemen Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse. I used to sit in the bath and compose songs for them. Also, a cheap little Tetris handheld, which I was good at. And an Amiga.
  6. I just realised. By the time this comes out I will have finished school. I'll have months to play it without interruption. As long as my GCN doesn't conk out before then I'll be one happy ducky.
  7. I was just looking at the Nintendo ON video. At one point it actually referred to the Rev. as the RS. Just a point of interest, it will just be a coincidence, I mean, it's kind of an obvious name.
  8. It fits very well in with the controller, and I think I read about Nintendo utulising a similar technology a while ago. It makes a lot of sense, but a lot of previous comments have been so general as to appear applicable to just about anything. It's definitely quite exciting to think of, but don't treat it as fact just yet or you could be setting yourself up for a massive disappointment.
  9. This seems to be everywhere I look. It's over on TGN as well. It's all well and good to think that it's a quick and easy way to escape your problems, but look at how it impacted the forum members who were in close correspondence with him. That's not to mention how the family must feel, especially with the misreports. While I hate to criticise the deceased, I think the decision to post a message as he's dying, was a bit over the top. Basically kids, don't do it, something always comes up, it might just be hidden around the corner.
  10. It all depends on console prices, marketing, and pure simple luck. It's a bit hard to judge how the Rev. will perform since we don't know jack all about it. I'm going to wait until E3 before I launch a proper prediction.
  11. Nintendo PS (Paradigm shift)? As long as it isn't *lame joke.*
  12. Mitsurugi, Damascus Sword. Boosts attack to 170%, boosts defense by 50%. I love the game. Finished it 100%, and after 115 hrs, you can bet I'm good. Honourable mentions go to Maxi, Kilik, Astaroth , Link and Ivy. "You'll be in hell, before me;" As my brothers discovered only today.
  13. These are all really trivial matters, it's still the same controller.
  14. I'd love to see Perfect Dark Zero on the Revolution. Ain't going to happen though.
  15. I've been playing Perfect Dark and Mario Tennis 64. I've also been loading up my MegaDrive emulator to play Sonic 2 when I'm starting to get bored.
  16. Thing is, having quirky Japanese games would lead to a lack of Western developed games, and therefore less sales. *Those* sort of games are seen as weird, kiddy or stupid by the mass-market. If the public perception is that those are the only type of games the Revolution supports, and coupled with Nintendo's kiddy image, it would lead to dwindling uptake out here. If the uptake isn't strong, developers will then forgo their "innovative" games in favour of the technically more powerful platforms. Then, the effort involved in putting a game on a less powerful platform will mean that many developers will not bother. Especially with rising development costs. The lack of support for the platform will mean there will be comparitively less games for the Revolution. And consumers will buy the other consoles for the same reasons they bought the XBOX and PS2 over the GCN. ie. No games means that consumers see it as a lesser platform. And thus the world will explode into ash... Those of you who read all that, well done. I hope you can appreciate the vicious cycle the above entails, especially since if the initial uptake is poor, since Nintendo will be forced to bring out those crazy Jap games in order to provide more games for this market leading to yadda yadda yadda.
  17. Not kidding at all. I've racked up 110hrs in Soul Calibur 2 which I got a lot later than SSBM. Then there's my 230 hrs in Pokemon Silver. My Perfect Dark time is also substantial. Keep in mind I'm talking about the Power Time. I'm not the only one who plays it. And it's air time was boosted a lot with it being one of my two games for several months. I'm not denying it's capability to provide players with enjoyment. Heck, the game persuaded two of my friends to get a GCN. (Not easy in Australia.) I'm saying that in the long term, the game reveals itself to be inherently shallow with the same players/scenario. Hopefully, with the online Rev. version I'll be able to prolong the game's lastability by playing with some of you guys/gals and showing you my fabled Discipline of the One-Legged Chimp. Will the online game prove as amusing though, without four people nearby yelling at each other. Who knows. Any other long time players with confirm that in the long term the game lacks the depth of something like Soul Calibur 2. I'm not going to write much more. I'm just trying to say that my seeming hypocrisy has a reason behind it. My initial thrill with the game only lasted so long before I realised it's various weaknesses.
  18. GCN for me. My 64, though good, had some drawbacks such as the analogue stick. It was worn out so quickly. The size [of the stick] wasn't an issue because I was small and I didn't know any better. The shoddy frame rates also gave me a headache and made me grumpy. My library of games was also small, 12 in total, and I didn't play all of them. My GCN, on the other hand has an awesome pad, perfectly suited to my mitts. My library of games is large (27). And the games are so smooth and (comparitively) clear. I promised myself I wouldn't write too much. It looks like I failed. However it must be said that I did restrain myself from writing considerably more.
  19. I'm a Falcon sort of person as well. I'm surprised there aren't more of us. I'm at a level now though that I can use any character fairly competently, since my core fighting style transcends characters. I've gone off SSBM, after 300+ hrs of play, playing with similarly skilled friends just isn't satisfying anymore. Sure, for comedic value it's great. But once the background features give way to serious fighting, it is decidedly unfulfilling. Fighting against my friend (who uses Fox), our 10 life Stock battles involved tense encounters with both of us rolling around on the ground like one legged chimps. We would regularly go over a minute before inflicting minor damage. I ask you, now that the furore surrounding SSBM has worn off, does anyone believe it really is all *that*? While it is great for multiplayer romps, is it as CUBE say; is it ultimately shallow? I say yes. Now that I've devoted so much time into it, I really have very little room for continued improvement. It seems to lack a certain longevity. Forgive this essay, I felt the need the write a substantial response.
  20. Tingle. Who else would you want to beat up more? He's the world's singularly most hated character. As I recall, the TGN Forum even had a "1000 ways to kill Tingle" thread.
  21. Sony and Microsoft have always said that Nintendo is only going to appeal to a niche market and isn't a serious competition. They'll probably stick by that and see if the new controller design is a success, and then release a rip off a few months down the line and herald it as "redefining gaming."
  22. I saw it last night on GameSpot. I saw one of the pictures, it didn't register, I thought it was the DVD remote or something. Then when I saw the screens, I won't deny I was disappointed. Then I went to a party, came home, then when I woke up I realised I was actually starting to like it. I'm actually starting to be able to see myself playing it. That said, I will also be getting a 360, simply to enjoy games on a different level. They aren't really in direct competition, and a second platform will give me more room for choice Some games would lend themselves to it better than others. Zelda would undeniably be weird without the analogue add-on. With the analogue add-on I'm quite pleased with it. Harry Potter games would lend themselves to it. (Think about it.) Metroid Prime 3 will be good. I'm having real trouble restraining myself from writing ten pages or so on the possible merits. While the mass-market may ignore this, I'm preoccupied with salivating with anticipation about Wario Ware: Revolution.
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