Here is my ultimate version of the Wii FPS aiming. Just give it a mental try please. The bounding box would be bigger in a real game, but is small here for easy display purpose succes increase.
Green Cross = The point where you are aiming.
Blue Circle = The bounding box.
Enlightened Area = Camera movement direction.
Red Arrows = Automatic camera turning.
Fig A: When aiming inside the bounding box, the player can move the camera freely.
Fig B: When aiming outside the box, the camera starts turning by itself.
The only real difference here is that the camera turns when aiming inside the bounding box as well. By adjusting sensitivety, one would easily be able to perform 180 degreee turns without going outside the bounding box. The system gives the player ultimate control.
I think this system could rival the fun factor of a keyboard-mouse setup.