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Everything posted by ThePigMarcher

  1. Glad I still lurk periodically around these parts :wink: Switched my £45 preorder from shopto to Amazon, so cheers for that.
  2. My copy arrived today and I'd have to echo everything you said about how awesome it is. I have you on my PSN list and some of the scores you're setting in the challenges are tough as hell (unless I just suck, quite likely) and it's quite disheartening because (a) no-one else on my FL is playing it and (b) it took me bloody ages just to top your score in the daily challenge (albeit by only 3 lums), I haven't got anywhere near your other scores. That said, it adds another level of awesome to an already great game.
  3. TBF, the signs of increased focus on everything-other-than gaming have been on the cards for the last couple of years. It was the principle reason I finally jumped ship after last years E3. On that showing, I won't be jumping back onboard anytime soon.
  4. Definitely a day one purchase for me. I'm not sure if I can justify the £80 price tag for the extra items in the Collector's Edition so I'll probably 'make do' with the Day 1 Edition.
  5. I still have some concerns about From's quest for accessibility but time will tell on that. I won't lie and say that the gameplay demo didn't get me just a little excited though. I really need to work on my backlog and get back to my NG+ on Dark Souls, inc starting the DLC, as well as restarting Demon's (seeing as I made so little progress and it's been a while since I last played it).
  6. Some of my favourites from last year, whether they'll appeal to you or not is another matter Sleeping Dogs Asura's Wrath Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Dragon's Dogma Lollipop Chainsaw Tales of Graces f A couple of those I played on the 360 before switching consoles so I ended up buying them again (yeah, I know ).
  7. Tough call! Personally, I got more enjoyment from Far Cry 3 and it was one of my favourite games last year. That said, I've had no real desire to return to it since completion. Dishonored was certainly enjoyable and a pleasant surprise, it also has the added appeal of going back to redoing missions for different tactics/approaches etc, something I've not done yet but will do when time allows. It defeats the purpose of your initial question but you really need to grab them both.
  8. Funnily enough, I was thinking of making a start on it this evening. I managed to complete the first game earlier today and ended up loving it ( I really didn't see that ending coming, although thinking about it, I should have done) so it makes sense to jump straight into the sequel. The wasn't one of those franchises that made me think about making the jump to PS3 so I really wasn't going to bother with the game initially. Now I'm glad that I didn't miss out.
  9. A bit late to the party but because I've had inFamous 2 sitting on my HDD for months (c/o PS+) I figured it would be worth picking up and playing through the prequel first. Started it a couple of days ago and whilst I wasn't too sure about it at first, now that I'm closing in on finishing up at the first island I'm slowly getting suckered in. Guess that's another advantage of picking up a PS3 really late, in that I still have a massive back catalogue of cheap games to go through/hunt down.
  10. This was one of the very few things that I found potentially interesting last night. It wouldn't be too far of a stretch of the imagination to call it Dragon's Dogma 2 and if that proves to be the case I'll have no complaints as I absolutely loved the first one.
  11. I do think it was largely due to me wasting them recreating items and then not having much luck when I needed them. Thankfully it's a moot point now, just completed the quest I alluded to earlier and I got a new recipe in which the only item I'm missing is Ring-A-Bells so that'll be nice and easy
  12. Will have to keep searching then, I'm also struggling with Evil Eyes, All Seeing Eyes and Glowstones which would prevent me having to worry about the really rare stuff, so I may just persevere with those instead. I'm also missing three recipes which I'm hoping will be given to me when I finish my one last remaining quest
  13. I'm sure the 'Mad Scientist' trophy is going to break me, I'm now up to 119 created items and it looks like I'll have no choice but to go after a few more Kaleidostones or Scrolls of Truth* and it's been a slog with nothing dropping AT ALL. It's not been helped by the fact that despite being set to 'All-Defend' and 'Do nothing' the AI has still found a way to grab the last couple of gold glims that have dropped. *One or two other recipes may just be possible but they also involve items that seem to be very rare steals but also not the rarest of items for the creatures that hold them so the gold glim method can't be relied upon either.
  14. Good work! If it's the hidden chests one you're after that'll be easy. I managed to grab that one before I even completed the game.
  15. Currently quite a few hours into the post-game and still loving it. Absolutely loved the main game and I'd have to think long and hard to find any faults with it. I wouldn't mind going after the Platinum and the majority of my remaining trophies are ones that involve grinding, going after the rarer materials may not be much fun so I'll see how I get on. I'd rather go without the plat than have my enjoyment of the game potentially ruined by any grind.
  16. That makes it sound like you didn't open the short cut which I would have thought wasn't too hard to miss. Unless it's just the first couple of swinging axes you're mistiming, in which case there really isn't an excuse. Haste isn't valid:p
  17. I wouldn't hesitate in recommending PS+. It was another factor that made me switch consoles last June and subscribing was one of the first things I did, I haven't looked back. That said, because of it, I have a stack of games on my HDD which I still haven't found time to get to but that's never a bad thing, right? It was also the reason why I decided to stick a 1TB HDD in the console within three months of owning the thing. I'm not sure whether we'll see Okami HD on the service anytime soon but I bought it the day it came out (despite already completing it on the Wii) and I haven't regretted it, although it's another one that is currently sitting in my backlog.
  18. Just wait until you meet
  19. I picked it up on the day it launched and played it for a while. Whilst I was really enjoying it I only got to Act 6, not sure how far in that is, before it got relegated to my pile of unfinished games. I really do need to find the time to get back into it.
  20. I'm the same, just haven't had the heart to drop him yet. I do love the evolution of familiars though, there's been a few that I've tamed and initial thoughts were 'these aren't going to be much cop' but before you know it they've suddenly become my go-to guys. Unfortunately I've not been able to find as much time for this over the last couple of days as I'd have liked. Currently just over 20hrs in and I'm only just past the bit where you get the boat. The fact that it took me that long just to reach that part speaks volumes about how easy it is just to get sidetracked in this beautifully realised world. Apart from doing as many sidequests and bounty hunts as possible (merit stamps have become addictive) I've also been spending a fair amount of time hunting down hidden areas and chests. I don't think I want this game to ever end.
  21. I've been taking my time, that's the only way to play these games IMO, which may account for the relative lack of challenge. I've not been grinding however, as I also don't want to get overpowered but whilst out venturing doing side quests etc battles are largely unavoidable. The good thing is, that even when taking your time there are going to be areas that are quite challenging at first, however, it doesn't take long too long to level to make things equal again. It's good that there doesn't appear to be the need for excessive grinding but it also seems to be too fine a line for balancing the difficulty. Still, it's only a minor issue in a game that I already thought was excellent yesterday and has somehow managed to get even better still.
  22. Depends on how far you are into the game. My ONLY concern about the game was actually the lack of challenge (even on Normal), in that, in the 8 and a half hours I put in yesterday I only died once and even that was due to my own stupidity (getting blindsided by an enemy when low on health). There were a couple of areas that caused some minor problems but still nothing that proved too much a challenge. That changed today when I hit a new area
  23. It's flipping amazing mun! (Someone had to do it ). I really struggled to turn this off earlier but seeing as my save file is already at 6h 45mins I figured I'd better ease off a little. I won't say where I'm up to (spoilers etc) but a lot of that time has just been spent absorbing/exploring the beautiful environment, it's just so easy to let yourself get drawn into it. Absolutely stunning in every sense and looks like it's going to exceed the lofty expectations I had for it.
  24. Just this minute been delivered. Had a very brief look through the Wizard's Companion and the thing is gorgeous, worth every penny of the upgrade alone. Plushie Drippy is pretty decent too. Now, excuse me while I disappear from these forums for another extended break
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