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Everything posted by Sec

  1. I still imagine it to be about this when I hear the name
  2. Sec

    Doctor Who

    Fixed Good episode, did feel little rushed, but there was a lot of things to get through
  3. The best reform i heard for the Europa league was the winners get into the champions league group stage. Its a simple change and would make each team really want to play in that competition rather than bringing near reserve squads
  4. Just thought i'd post a video of my final year project, its basically a custom keyboard which interfaces with final cut pro, each key is a combination of two keys i.e ctrl and z to perform certain functions, also it attempts to help prevent repetitive stress injury. I was thinking about making these for people who'd want it but don't how many of if anyone would like it.. please leave any feedback you have on the vid Thansk
  5. Sec

    Doctor Who

    I agree with happenstance, its the only real logical point at which she would have been kidnapped
  6. Sec

    Doctor Who

    Noticed a voice saying "you have never risen higher" possibly a remark to rivers very early mentioning of the doctor where she says she first met him was his highest moment followed by his very worst ?? ?? ?
  7. Sec

    Doctor Who

    He knows well how to fly it, but he's a maverick if you will who likes to do thinks his own way, sure he could have it landing perfectly everytime but where's the fun in that, he has a flair for the dramatic, and the noise to him signals his arrival. I doubt that river just figured out how to fly the thing by looking at it, she's mentioned before she was thought by the master i.e the doctor so they must have gotten really close for him to allow her to fly it. I'll reserve judgement on her until we get more screen time between her and the doctor, tho i have a bad feeling he'll rush it and that dynamic will take a back seat over other things i.e amys' positive/negative results
  8. TBH it just smacked of a director simply piggy backing on the franchise of uncharted whilst writing his own family adventure film. With all those Family references it seemed we would have been getting something along the lines of ....
  9. They make the best damn promo's ever!
  10. I lolled at Epic Mickey, not enough people will get the joke unfortunately
  11. Plus i cant see it being that accurate, it prob take you 2 or 3 times of saying it louder and louder till it recognizes it
  12. any one else think the Kinect sports logo was a bad Wii sports logo rip off
  13. also how it appeared to tickle her, even tho its virtual.. Same thing isn't it?
  14. ya it'll give nin-10-doh some time to come up with a decent answer, perhaps a few new mario games
  15. After that all i want is to see the Gifs that'll be generated from it!
  16. If you really wanna give up on the social side of the internet you could try this http://suicidemachine.org/
  17. Based on the Old spice ad above i'd say
  18. Seems too surreal to be a actual product tho, that and the whole "Crying at the movies is ok" bit. prob stole their logo
  19. Gotta Love Onion News, Such a Sarky site!
  20. Can't wait for this album, their new sound seems promising, kinda retro feel
  21. Always seemed dirty..
  22. Sec

    Doctor Who

    Really enjoyed that episode, good witty, not perfect but certainly fun, which is all i need to be entertained. I also believe the poor chemistry was intentional, after all he;s like the 3rd wheel in the Doctor/Companion relationship
  23. Sec

    Doctor Who

    Not a Aweful blunder, one of those look really REALLY closely ones, did ya see it?
  24. Sec

    Doctor Who

    i always took the view that whoever is watching the show helps in stopping the angels moving, they only move when the screen is blank or your looking at a character not looking
  25. Use Gyrate, Fanboys are confused
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