Anyone here listen to any podcasts? If you aren't sure of what a podcast is then go here.
I am a fan of The Bill And Dan Show (Podcast Alley Page) which is a comedy podcast with 2 comedians talking about whatever takes their fancy. I would recomend it to anyone with a sense of humour!
Anyone else fans of any podcasts?
I play it quite a lot, my clan has a server which i play on. Not doing very well at the moment becuase im out of practice and my computer is having issues getting above about 20FPS
Anyway you might find me on that server ( if you were too lazy to click the link) and if not its usually got people there anyway. We aren't too serious a clan either.
I was thinking today while waiting for my Call Of Duty 2 demo to download, now Nintendo have switched to DVD, will we start getting demo disks with magazines?
Finally demos with a Nintendo console?
What do you think?
Yes it is.
Im a rugby fan, a Bath Rugby fan infact. Finally got our first win, we have been pretty unlucky so far, scored a heck of a lot of points and got almost no rewards. 4 tries against Newcastle, hopefully things are looking up.
I usually just keep to my normal business and ignore people. I usually look moody enough for people to keep away from you. Wear that expression that says "I'm so angry I want to rip someones head off" and all will be fine
However I have been started on several times, but you get over it. Otherwise import some MACE.
Too many people seem to be forgetting you can still use the GC controller, "how will it work for Game X" its not going to be suited to everything, thats why the GC controllers are there.
I will be reformatting my HDD soon, but i have documents that i want to keep. I have about 30-40 Gb of stuff i want to keep, so it wont fit on my iPod. does anyone have any suggestions? Can i hire USB hard drives from somewhere?