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About Dragons_Slayer

  • Birthday 12/11/1990

Personal Information

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  • Interests
    Making/Playing Games, Listening to/making music, drawing,...


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    N64, Gamecube, Wii, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, Original DS and DSi
  • Other Systems Owned
    Xbox, Xbox 360, Master System, Mega Drive, Sega CD, Dreamcast and Gamegear
  • Favourite Game?
    Impossible for me to say
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
  • Gender

Dragons_Slayer's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. That would be quite cool Zelda in First Person, although I know there would be a lot of people that wouldn't like such a major change.
  2. Only downloaded Flipnote Studio (Which I really like!) and the Web Browser (just because it's free :P). I really hope they will make an official announcement about Virtual Handheld! Other programs like Flipnote would be cool, I want a Mariopaint Composer for making and sharing music!!!
  3. My day was fine as always, did some pixel spriting for a game, and well... that's all actually :P
  4. This really looks cool, too bad it's only for Playstation 3...
  5. I hope they stick to Sonic for this game or maybe also Tails but I really hope they don't put another new character in it...
  6. This game really looks interesting, loved the artwork!
  7. I also liked Twilight Princess very much, I love all Zelda games and I can't really say that I like one more than the other. I hope we'll see a trailer of the a new Zelda soon, hopefully they will take full advantage of the Wii's power, like they did in Mario Galaxy (I loved those graphics!) and maybe also Wii motion plus for sword fighting, if there is still a sword of course
  8. Bought myself a DSi as a replacement for my actually perfectly working original DS I have since launch. Now waiting for some good games!
  9. Gold and Silver where in my opinion the best pokemon games, glad they are getting a remake!
  10. I'm using Vista at the moment and it's working fine, don't really need anything new...
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