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  1. 1. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - This was the game. I had loved video games since before I could remember, I played and beat all the marios and any other classic game you could name for the NES. I already had a good SNES collection built up; but when I played this game my world changed. From the day I beat it I knew Zelda would always remain my favorite gaming franchise. I've played and beat this game (SNES and GBA) countless times and I could do it everyday if I wanted to. Truthfully if it weren't from Zelda I probably wouldn't play video games very much anymore, and I have this game to thank for it. ---- 2. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3. Metroid Prime 4. Super Mario 64 5. Super Smash Brothers Melee
  2. That's happened to me Rolf.
  3. That's happened to me Rolf.
  4. What did NOM give it? Nintendo Power (america) gave it a 9.0.
  5. In America it got pretty good reviews. It's a really fun game.. it lacks a little depth but it makes up for it in fun. The single player challange really isn't that bad.. it's lacking but it'll take you a while to complete and it can get pretty tough. I'd give it an 8/10. Not the best Mario Sports game, but a great game to have none-the-less. It's espechally great if you love baseball.
  6. Metroid Prime's ending for me. I thought the 2 good endings were amazing. I never saw the bad ending but I heard it's lame.
  7. Metroid Prime 3 excites me very very much. Then again I don't think I could have been more excited about Metroid Prime 2, and I was disapointed by it, so I dunno. I think MP3 will be awesome with the controller but I dunno. I'll think more about it later. Right now I'm excited about Metroid Prime Hunters
  8. I could have swore that I saw someone at IGN.com or Gamespot.com say you could fit every Nintendo made NES and SNES game onto the Revo. and about 10-20 N64 games, but I could be mistaken. And no, Gamecube games will not be downloadable, the 12 inch disc slot will also take the small GC dics.
  9. Well, according to this poll at GameFAQs it seems so... (I know Revolution isn't in first.. and gamefaq polls do lean towards Nintendo sometimes, but I still think it's encouring since 87 thousand+ voted). http://www.gamefaqs.com/poll/index.html?poll=2148
  10. This is impossible, there are a lot that I like. Great Bay, Fox's Ship (both of them), DK's levels, Mute City, Peach's Castle, Pokemon Stad., ugh, I love almost everyone of them. I hate Ness' stage though, Kerby's Dreamworld, and the Metroid levels.
  11. Link, in red. I love pulling in people with the grappling hook, throwing them up in the air, keeping them up there with my sword attack, then unleashing a jumping spin attack knocking them off the screen. Then going to the corner, throwing bombs / arrows / boomarangs to keep them off the edge.. and if they do come closer, a spin attack.
  12. In my opinion the N64 produced more "classic" games, but Gamecube has a better selection. There aren't many "classic" games on Gamecube, but there are soo many good ones, more than the N64 had IMO.
  13. A Link to the Past (SNES) Dick Tracy (NES) Super Mario Brothers 3 (NES) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II (NES)
  14. There is always a loophole somewhere.
  15. It was stated in an interview that the "shell" would be resemblent of a Wavebird. That doesn't mean it'll be a GC controller, but the shape of it most likely will be the same. Also DazzyBee, GB and GBA games won't be available to download. Plus you couldn't play GBA games with a sideways Revolution contoller because there would be no "L" and "R" buttons.
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