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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Just watched that 'commercial'. This film is going to be amazing
  2. Yep that trailer gave the entire film away.
  3. "Lend him your power". Presumably the green energy arm thing holding Ganon, that then takes over Link's
  4. Different Sheikah Slate from the first game though, design wise.
  5. Personally I'll take an art book for Tears of the Kingdom over a plasticky statue of the Master Sword any day. The rest is more or less comparable with the US CE for BOTW, maybe a slight step down but no big deal. I can't tell if Nintendo UK are teasing because they know something or they're genuinely just a social media channel that knows not much more than the rest of us. We'll see I guess. Would be fun and another point of difference for the game.
  6. Nice! Wonder if we'll see more Pedro Pascal himself this season. Story development wise it'd make sense.
  7. If Zelda was playable, and ResetEra was the whole world (shudder), TOTK would win every GOTY going just for that fact alone. Seriously though, I think the vast majority would welcome a playable Zelda as long as her gameplay was fun and maybe not a massive focus.
  8. Got one from them thanks very much! Though the email confirmation was completely blank
  9. I think the moment to moment gameplay doesn't suffer too much from scope creep imo. Similar to Forbidden West, it feels like more of the same, but in a perhaps expanded world. It definitely feels as though they're trying to cram a lot into Ragnarok given there won't be a third game though, things like having to feature every realm etc. And the pacing is definitely all over the place. Have to say that after playing so much of Ragnarok's mostly corridor-ed level design, it'll be nice to go more open with things like Hogwarts and Survivor. Also need to play Elden Ring at some point. It'll be my first From/Souls game.
  10. Back when Fallen Order was in development, probably around 2016 onwards, public perception of the prequels was still pretty sour (in general, obviously plenty love them), which you tended to see with the direction of the films and, in this case, Fallen Order. Now that opinion has mellowed a lot recently, it looks like Survivor is happy to tie back to them in a big way. It's funny you mention Ragnarok because as expertly crafted as the linear story missions are, some of the most fun I've had in that game is exploring off the beaten path and finding stuff to do. But I can appreciate the comment of it feeling bloated, I bought it at launch and I'm still working my way through it. It's not that I'm not enjoying it but it does feel like a slog at times.
  11. From https://www.instagram.com/p/CocmhdNIXtH/
  12. What a dumb tweet from a guy that's usually pretty level-headed.
  13. 8 New Enemies for Cal to deal with - IGN
  14. Thank you! Been refreshing that page for the past hour
  15. Would really appreciate if anyone spots the Collector's Edition in stock somewhere in the UK, if you could PM or ping this thread please!
  16. again, WTF? Phasing through solid matter? Free-falling aerial combat? Sending objects back through time? Sailing on giant stone birds? Among the no doubt dozens of other cool ideas in the game itself? It's laughable that you're bemoaning a lack of creativity and innovation from a game that you haven't even played yet, let alone one that's months from release. LMAO. I loved the look of Pikmin 4, I can't wait to play it, but a new Pikmin that can freeze and a dog you can ride? THAT is "filled concepts and new ideas" and gets a pass but the above Zelda stuff doesn't? You champion breaking the mould and redefining the industry but when they do just that with BOTW, you do nothing but complain about it? (Meanwhile up-resed ports of 20+ year old DS games are the greatest thing since sliced bread)
  17. My biggest takeaway from the trailer is that the game looks enormous. You have the whole land based Hyrule, that’s not only clearly been expanded/changed, but more importantly re-contextualised by all of Link’s new abilities. Then throw in underground stuff and what looks like a huge amount of sky islands, and massive looking ones at that. I’m someone who loved the novelty and innovation of the divine beasts (including the battles to get into them) but obviously I can appreciate people want traditional dungeons back which is fair enough. Nintendo don’t get enough credit for listening to what fans want. They’re constantly listening to feedback and implanting it into re releases or sequels. I’d be amazed if traditional dungeons aren’t back but the point is, we just don’t know yet. Like @darksnowman says, they’re in the envious position of not needing to reveal everything to sell people on the game. Everyone’s going to buy it anyway. Also as a side note, I wouldn’t be surprised if there was some time travel/dual world shenanigans going on, broadening the scope of the game even more.
  18. Let's revisit this post at the end of May shall we? Making bold statements as if they're facts again, only to be proven wrong again? Can I kindly suggest you play the game, then assess what's new and compare it to other games like Majora's Mask. You've zero evidence that "proper dungeons" aren't in this game, let alone all the other baseless and premature claims.
  19. Really liking the new camera perspective, looks like the perfect summer game.
  20. WTF? You don't know what TOTK has. It isn't out. All you've seen is a trailer.
  21. Sea of Stars looks stunning. One of the prettiest pixel art games I've seen in a while.
  22. Wow they went all out with this!
  23. Nintendo says not all first-party game will be $70 going forward
  24. Looks great.
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