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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Thanks for the insight, it's quite tempting. Not really tried a second life type game but the concept intrigues me. You guys seem to love it. I assume a lot of people went for the eshop download for better access?
  2. So I've never played an Animal Crossing game, looking at pictures or trailers I can't say I completely see what the appeal is. Seems like a child's game at first glance. I just read the IGN review and also noting how hugely popular it seems to be, it's really tempting. Worth picking up? Is it really THAT good?
  3. I remember when lightning bolts used to be rare back in the Super Mario Kart days on the SNES, you got one and were like - nowadays they'll pop up three or four times a race. That first game had the best battle mode tracks too, where it was all about skill. Deadly fast red shells + feather made for fantastically tense matches.
  4. Blue shells are at the heart of everything that's wrong with modern day Mario Kart. Less about skill, more about a free for all party game.
  5. Ocarina of Time 3D had a yellow hue. Gamecube Wind Waker looks very flat compared to Wii U WW.
  6. If that's the difficulty of level 4-2 I dread to think how piss easy the rest of the game is. Hopefully like 3D Land the content will double after the first playthrough. I also felt like slapping the guy who played the world 2 video.
  7. But there'd be no point for motionplus control if the game isn't tailor made for it like Skyward Sword was. TP's graphics will certainly age before WW's but that's no reason to do a remake.
  8. But a remake of Twilight Princess would have been pointless. It was already 16:9, and the graphical upgrade wouldn't have been that noticeable, certainly not enough to warrant a remake. Wind Waker's change is far more striking, particularly on land and to get it in 16:9 is fantastic. Plus a lot of people probably played TP on the Wii (unlike WW on the GC) and could just pop the disc into their Wii U. And as for Majora's Mask, it'd be a waste of resources upscaling it to HD when they can just get Grezzo to do it for the 3DS down the line.
  9. Seems more likely that it's the exact same map really, why wouldn't it be if it takes place in the same world. Hopefully some extra areas to explore though, otherwise it really does seem lazy.
  10. Exactly, doesn't have to be more complicated than that. If there's literally nothing new apart from minor changes a lot of people will give this a miss.
  11. If the overworld is the same, and the dungeons are in the same place you really have to hope that Nintendo have actually done a bit of work and given us SOMETHING fresh apart from the dungeons. I'm hoping for an extended Hyrule field or totally different dark world. It would really be a new low for laziness on Nintendo's part otherwise. And they've been very lazy recently.
  12. I hope not, you don't mess with a perfect soundtrack. The much hyped orchestrated soundtrack in Skyward Sword was easily the worst in the series.
  13. Has it been confirmed that the right analog stick controls the camera in this game? Hope so.
  14. I like how you can merge with pretty much any wall in the game. Could be fun to look at the other side of structures you couldn't normally. I suppose this need to go from top down to 3D is why the visuals are quite simple and low-key.
  15. I guess it depends what vibe you personally feel. I just see things like this which scream Galaxy rather than bland NSMB. It's obviously a mixture of both but to me it feels much closer to the former, regardless of a timer or flag pole.
  16. Didn't Galaxy sell relatively disappointing numbers, and didn't 3D Land sell really well? 3D World leans far more towards Galaxy than NSMB anyway.
  17. It's just the 3D Land series on Wii, which is completely different to NSMB. There are three different types of Mario game, this is the middle tier. Give me the '3D' type over NSMB any day!
  18. Ginormous (5000 pixel wide!) copy of the Wind Waker HD poster: http://kotaku.com/your-desktop-might-like-this-enormous-wind-waker-art-512778125
  19. I have to say while this game does look fantastic the only thing I'm not keen on is the giant width of the tracks shown. Where's the challenge to stay on the track? It does seem to sadly suggest the same sort of chaotic free for all gameplay of MKWii.
  20. Really?? You want a 5th identical looking New Super Mario game that's been done to death vs something along the same lines of the genius that is 3D Land? The gameplay is most certainly not 2D, watch the trailer again. Maybe now's not the time for Nintendo to be taking risks?
  21. I too am sick of the flag pole, but we'll get our exploration star-based Mario sooner or later. This certainly isn't meant to replace it.
  22. No thanks, personally I'm trying to forget Four Swords and FSA ever existed. Not proper Zelda games IMO.
  23. I'm just thankful it's something a bit different, so sick of star coins and the sound they make when you collect them.
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