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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. No one's forcing anyone to buy an amiibo for Mario Kart. And £11 for 16 tracks, 6 drivers and loads of new vehicle options is incredible value for money. Stop always complaining things are too expensive. Game development costs money, and if you hadn't noticed, Nintendo's financials aren't exactly in the healthiest state at the moment.
  2. Not a fan of that box art, not sure why, I just think they could have done better.
  3. I really don't think it's a problem, it'll be very easy to just disregard the troll entries. The ballot will give a clear picture in terms of what the majority want and also some ideas they may not have considered.
  4. That's great detective work, could very well point to a Wii U game. Have to say I think the series belongs on handhelds (and mobiles !) but will keep an open mind.
  5. This looks like fun (for about an hour). I wonder how they'll sell the cards. Individually or in a random pack of 10. The cards have different background icons, probably relates to that character's personality.
  6. I made one mistake on the Smash thread by keeping his name in the mention. I won't do it again and will carry on using anonymous quote tags to reply to him. Again, it's my decision whether to ignore a user or not.
  7. I'm not quoting him directly, I'm using anonymous quote tags so he doesn't get any notification. He's seeing my posts because I'm not actually on his ignore list. I'm doing nothing wrong, certainly nothing to warrant a ban. He posts utter childish nonsense and should expect to get challenged on it. He antagonises Serebii in this case claiming our Direct was 41 minutes and he was right all along, I replied correcting him. I'm not going out of my way attacking everything he says... everything he says is just entitled clueless bull$hit. This is a message board, where people discuss and argue their points of view, that's all I'm doing. It's up to me whether I ignore a user or not. I'll calm down and reply to far less of his posts but other than that my posts are par for the course of a message board.
  8. Oh yeah I'd forgotten about the new Streetpass Plaza games, another nice little update.
  9. There seemed to be way more content in yesterday's Direct than usual, there was no time wasting it was just announcement after announcement.
  10. If they do I'm sure you'll be on here raging at the 2 or 3 quid price increase. I don't even think Shibata said it would come free. Why would it?
  11. Fantastic Direct, especially given the proximity to E3. Loads of content and especially surprises there. The Splatoon amiibo look fantastic, though not as fantastic as those amazing Yoshi ones!!! Woolly World looks a lot better now than the E3 build. Loved the Mario Maker segment too. Forgot about Fatal Frame, looked good. Really liked the MK8 updates too. Ours was 48 minutes. Try again. Such a tedious tight ar5e. Affordable Space Adventures looks great, I'm really hyped for it. How is £14 a ridiculous price? You have no idea how much work went into the game, how much content is there. Stop being so f-ing tight all the time and loosen the purse strings occasionally. Why is it ridiculous pricing for the VC titles? Learn to read. That's January's Direct EDIT: Ah, you've realised your mistake and deleted your post. Good thinking.
  12. Oh FFS, grow up and stop being so entitled. A roster of nearly 50 characters isn't enough for you? Why should developers' hard work come free? No one is forcing you to buy Lucas. Sounds like the immature ramblings of another entitled gamer if that's what you read
  13. My memory of Devil's Third is it taking up about an hour of IGN's Nintendo Event post-show. It was sooooo long, at a time when all you wanted was to hear the IGN crew talk about the actual presentation.
  14. Considering they offered 16 tracks, 6 characters and a loads of new cars in MK8 for 12 quid I doubt it'll be £15 for one Smash character.
  15. Spirit Tracks felt like a much more epic Zelda game in my opinion. The final few hours especially were as grand as any console entry. Loved it. Also I really enjoyed the spirit flute gameplay, and it was nice to have a central dungeon that you didn't have to repeat over and over (seriously, wtf were Nintendo thinking with the Temple of the Ocean King!). The final few floors of the Spirit Tower were genuinely challenging.
  16. The buzz and positivity is a delight to see in this thread! I reckon @Hero\-of\-Time's prediction list is about right, hopefully a nice new first party 3DS title revealed. There's also that strange looking Project Treasure Wii U game they announced from Bandai Namco in the last Direct, free-to-play action game or some such.
  17. You must be lost, this is a Nintendo forum. Maybe this is more your kind of message board http://community.eu.playstation.com/t5/English-Forums/ct-p/55
  18. GTA, COD, FIFA, Creed, Minecraft, Far Cry :zzz::zzz:
  19. Of course it's a commercial flop and has tanked. I'm just surprised that for all the fanboy wanking the Xbox and PS4 get they're not exactly trouncing it. I honestly expected them to have sold 4 or 5 times the number.
  20. Mario Party 10 made 4th place in the charts? Wow, surprising and impressive. Especially for a turd of a game as Wii so maturely called it. 15 to 10 is notable obviously but the difference is nowhere near big enough to justify all the chat about the Wii U tanking. That's of course assuming Xbox reaches 15 million next year.
  21. For all the abuse the Wii U gets in terms of sales, those numbers really aren't that far apart. I'm actually amazed by those numbers. I know Nintendo had a year head start, but really the consoles will have sold far more in their first year than their second, so Xbox probably isn't going to have a huge boost in sales these next 12 months. What will Xbox be at next year, 15M? Compared to Wii U's 10M now? Meh.
  22. Any idea how many XBOs have been sold worldwide? Is Wii U up to 10 million?
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