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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. They don't need to go from SD to HD this time
  2. In a few years when NX has an awesome first 12-24 months on the market and we're getting all these great games, no one will care about a poor E3 back in 2015.
  3. Nice one! Be good to hear your thoughts on the game. Personally think it's hugely under-rated.
  4. I doubt that a lot as well, the kids/COD generation don't care about Mario or Zelda. There are no gory headshots.
  5. Gorgeous box art Nintendo don't want you to tell your friends and family about it, they want you to show them in person and have them play it for themselves. Not saying I agree with that principle.
  6. Rigs isn't exactly a triumphant example of them putting their faith in VR, regardless of where it's shown off. If they had any confidence in Morpheus they would have given it more than 2 minutes. Just like Xbox did with Oculus. I'd almost be surprised if Morpheus actually released. They even said when they first showed it off they weren't even sure themselves if it would ever come to market.
  7. I just think he means social = multiplayer. As opposed to VR which can be very isolating. Though Sony agreed and Rigs seems to combat that, during their half arsed 2 min talk about VR.
  8. Assault > Starwing > Lylat Wars > Command for me With Adventures being excellent as well.
  9. Can't wait. I hope the game is full of imaginative levels like the haunted house disappearing platforms one they're showing off.
  10. He'll tell you that Splatoon itself is a social game, which it is. I have an Oculus DK2, it's cool tech. Is it "fun"? Yeah I suppose, though that depends on a game that takes advantage of it like Elite: Dangerous. It's not how I want to play most of my games though. I don't think Sony fully believe in it either. I'd be amazed if Morpheus lasts as long as Move or Kinnect
  11. Who's saying it's not enough like Lylat Wars? It couldn't be anymore like it. The primary complaint is about the visuals, with some also having issues with the controls.
  12. So much energy and action in that opening Assault level, it's making me want to play it again. Up res that level to modern day quality and it would put Zero to shame. It pretty much already does as is. Zero just seems so lazy. The same style of Corneria level, the same arches, the same banter with your wingmen, the same part where Falco tells me to follow him to the right... The blocky/triangle art style could be an homage to Starfox 1 and 2.
  13. Nintendo fans are the toughest to please. They want new stuff but they also want a Starfox game exactly like Lylat Wars. Nintendo are single handedly supporting their first HD console and given they innovate gameplay-wise more than the other two should be cut a bit of slack. Let's say they followed Sony and Microsoft's model and didn't do Nintendo Directs all year round, and pumped every single new reveal into E3, they would have an incredible presentation every year. That's 5-6 Directs worth of announcements and reveals put into an already packed E3 set. It's to Nintendo's credit that even with bi-monthly Directs they still managed to win E3 last year. They had an off year this time around, at a time when they're clearly devoting their primary attention to their new hardware. The hatred and vitriol is OTT. It was an awful show filled with poor games, but some context is required.
  14. I was going to do the exact same thing. The first level in Assault was awesome, 10x the energy and visual flair that Zero has, which frankly looks like a tech demo in comparison
  15. Yeah they really do look fantastic. So much better than the Skylanders ones.
  16. Another reason to HATE that CLUELESS LIAR Reggie!!! He says he plays video games then had a poor showing in Smash. Don't you just HATE that LIAR!! [/5yearold][/Wii]
  17. No it would be like if they played fantasy songs for the opening two thirds, then hit a rough patch for half an hour.
  18. Yes equating hardware colours with a game's art style.
  19. World class intellect on show there
  20. Mario Maker, Yoshi, Starfox, Xenoblade, Fatal Frame, Animal Crossing and Mario Tennis is a decent range of titles for the next 6 months to be fair. May not appeal to everyone but there's a good mix there. And I get the impression from treehouse we've barely seen anything of the AC game. If this doesn't say "scraping the bottom of the barrel looking for things to complain about" nothing does. Complaining about the colour options of the Wii U, really??
  21. Reggie's right though, satisfaction with the games does tend to grow over time. Look at Mario 3D World, Wind Waker, Splatoon, Donkey Kong, Hyrule Warriors. But never mind that, far easier to spew immature hatred of him.
  22. Nintendo are obviously is a weird transitional lull between Wii U and NX, and they're choosing to show off games coming out in the near future. I'd rather that than the Sony/Microsoft way of revealing games three years before release. That's just frustrating. Sure maybe 1 nice reveal that's a long way off but not a conference full of them. It was a disaster E3 but it was a clear indication they've given up on Wii U, and rightly so I guess. What pissed me off more than anything is their choice of games, mulitiplayer Zelda, terrible-looking Starfox, a Metroid co-op game that no one asked for, Animal Crossing board game. If Starfox had looked amazing, they were giving us a traditional Zelda game on 3DS, no mention of that Metroid game at all and maybe one big Wii U reveal (that wasn't Tennis)... I think a lot of people would have been far happier.
  23. http://kotaku.com/sony-is-helping-make-shenmue-iii-1711819045
  24. People can still upload to YouTube, and the dedicated Let's Players most certainly will.
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