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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Ronnie


    The 4 players I was paired with in my second play through would have ruined a first time play of the game. If you happen to be paired with someone/others good then great, but I wasn't. The first guy ran through the bridge section without stopping to get any of the collectibles. The second guy did one stage, then stopped at the entrance to the next one, refusing to move (even going so far as shaking his character to signify, 'keep going I'm not moving'). He must have been after the trophy were you need 10 unique players to play with you. The third guy went off sand surfing without me and the fourth guy just vanished towards the end of the final snow level. The online integration is very cool when it works, but to me the storyline necessitated a solo playthrough, at least the first time.
  2. Ronnie


    I didn't read too much before playing, all I read was a suggestion from Kotaku to turn online off when you first play the game, and I'm very glad I did. You probably played it with similar first-time players back when it was released. I'm playing it four years after release, the 4 guys I had last night would have ruined a first-time experience.
  3. Ronnie


    Played this for the first time a couple of nights ago, wonderful. Loved every second of it. I turned PSN off just before starting though, wanted to go solo and to be honest I'm very glad I did. Tried playing online last night and found the other players just too distracting to enjoy, they'd rush through or stand still for ages, probably hunting trophies. Anyway, glorious game. Glad to have finally played it. I'm hoping Abzu will be a similar experience, it's out in a couple of weeks.
  4. It would be nice if Nearby started working again
  5. Finally finished this last night, loved it. Even though it was my first AC game the moment to moment gameplay still got very repetitive by the end but the traversal and especially the character interactions made up for it. Jacob and Evie were fantastic protagonists, would love to see them in another game. Oh and London itself was just gorgeous to run around in, Westminster especially. As a side note I'd love to see how long I've put into this game, so dumb the PS4 doesn't have an activity log.
  6. Reading the first 5 pages of this thread for the first time makes for interesting reading.
  7. Am I right in thinking there's a difference between wild Pokemon that just appear out of nowhere and the ones you actually have to look for? The latter being the more rare/powerful ones, is that right? Also, I seem to have this weird bug, no matter where I go, all of my Nearby Pokemon are three footprints away. It's been like that all day, regardless how many times I restart.
  8. "Another nostalgia cash in", why not? Nintendo are in the unique position of actually having characters that resonate, world renowned IP that have been around for decades. If people are willing, why not cash in? As for the value, the low price is part of the appeal, the list of games they've included are give or take a handful the best on the console. I think it'll be a great stocking filler at Christmas and will sell far more than if they'd put another 30 games and sold it for $20 or $30 more.
  9. I'm just not impressed by the stat of how many planets are in the game, it's meaningless. The devs of Elite Dangerous modeled their game on of a 1:1 scale of the Milky Way, the same number of stars as there are in our galaxy, and so that made sense and gave some meaning to the huge scope. This just feels like someone thought adding a few extra zeros at the end would impress people. You said you don't think people grasp just how big the game is, I don't this we should be measuring the size of the game by the amount of procedurally generated worlds (that only get calculated if someone visits them). Sure that's the size of the sandbox, but I'm more interested in the actual interactive content.
  10. A mobile game makes a network offer its customers free data. Wow. Meanwhile at Nintendo...
  11. My first reaction is, meh? Don't get me wrong, I can't wait for this game, but I think they went OTT on the scale of this universe. It's just pointless to make it that large. Bigger doesn't mean better.
  12. I never said anyone was forcing me to re-buy VC games? Just that having a dedicated plug and play box that I can keep and use for the next two decades is a lot more convenient and long term than them releasing games on every system.
  13. Wow, I don't even want to guess how quickly that thing will eat your phone's battery. To be clear, I took issue with people being offended that Nintendo/Niantic didn't remove memorial sites from the game. Outrage is pretty much everywhere these days and in this case I think it's down to the players themselves not to be stupid and play in such areas.
  14. Everyone's offended by everything these days. It's unfortunate, but it really isn't worth getting upset or annoyed about.
  15. http://nseavoice.com/games/microsoft-sony-laying-off-gamescom-hints-on-nintendo-nx-unveiling-920012337.html
  16. Interesting, thanks so I should maybe wait and catch a few more hoping for better CPs, then feed that one candy. If I throw one away, do I get to keep the 3 candy I got from it?
  17. This pic just makes me smile I meant the latter, yes
  18. So I've caught half a dozen Pidgeys, what should I do know? How do I know which one to feed candy to? Also, what's the Transfer thing about? Why transfer them back to the professor?
  19. It's a very smart move and much more future proof than the Virtual Console. Being picky I'd have liked to see Marble Madness and the original Probotector instead of the sequel.
  20. Wouldn't be Nintendo if they didn't pull out a WTF moment every few months. This'll do crazy business at Christmas, especially at such a great price. Just $10 for an extra controller too!
  21. I'm hoping less than 48 hours surely!
  22. I'm hoping less than 48 hours surely!
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