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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. This article from NintendoLife has really sold me on the concept. Especially the detachable controllers: http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2016/07/talking_point_considering_the_angles_of_a_portable_and_dynamic_nintendo_nx
  2. Being able to charge via USB would certainly help, it's annoying the current 3DS doesn't allow that
  3. I think you're overselling the value of a second screen. It's also another thing developers have to think about. Dual screen handhelds were fun, but one high quality big multitouch screen would be of far more value I think.
  4. It adds size and quality over two smaller, cheaper screens
  5. There was also that 900p rumour earlier this year, I could easily imagine both handheld and TV outputting the same resolution.
  6. You want an Xbox One that can fit in your pocket? Keep dreaming lol Anyway the leak has already said it's based on the Tegra X1 chip So better than Wii U, which on a handheld sounds great to me. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2016-nintendo-nx-mobile-games-machine-powered-by-nvidia-tegra
  7. Just spent an age reading reactions on gaf, I was expecting them all to be negative but it actually seems to lean more towards positive, which I found very surprising. Or at least a 'wait and see' type reaction.
  8. I thought that part sounded most like Nintendo. A lot of people refer to them as a toy company (in a good way), and this thing certainly fits the bill.
  9. Cheer up Serebii, at least this way the big online openworld Pokemon RPG makes sense. Play at home, battle outdoors.
  10. ^ Nice! In other words, more powerful than Wii U, but not as powerful as PS4. Being able to carry around a better-than-Wii U experience around is pretty cool tbf.
  11. Basically, NX is a handheld that just happens to connect to your TV. It makes sense that Nintendo may want to leak that fact out to people to temper expectations for their big reveal in September.
  12. Does anyone else think Nintendo leaked this on purpose? Get the bombshell that NX is basically a handheld out of the way, for them to reveal it properly later? I see what Ubisoft meant about getting the casuals back. That illustration is pure Nintendo. Can't decide if I like or not.
  13. I'm not sure I like the idea of playing a game like Zelda on the bus. I really hope the home console experience will be a step up from the Wii U, but I'm worried it will be on par, tech wise...
  14. Completely agree with all of this. A standard home console mid generation like this would be suicide. Maybe in a few years. NX sounds like it's something different and quite a clever concept, but battery life and graphics need to be good. I hope the base unit that connects to your TV ups the console's ability, but reports suggest not The rumours were pretty strong about Smash, Splatoon and Mario Maker being ported over. I wonder if this is still the case.
  15. Interesting. I love the idea of being able to play the same game at home and on the go, that's a really clever idea. My only worry with this thing is in terms of power. It certainly doesn't sound anywhere near as powerful as PS4/XBO and that could be a big stumbling block getting gamers on board. Third party support I'm less bothered about, people already have their PS4 or XBO to play those games on.
  16. Sigh, I hate leaks. Destroys any sense of anticipation. If the Wii remote had been leaked with no explanation, there'd have been uproar. Thankfully Nintendo revealed it themselves so they could get their messaging across properly.
  17. I feel it was a missed opportunity launching such a barebones buggy game. If trading and/or PvP battling had been in from the start it would have been even more popular and crucially, for much longer. Sure they'll release these eventually hopefully, but the phenomenon will be over by then.
  18. Everyone's talking about NX, so it would make sense to just call it that
  19. 14 quintilian planets and these two have the exact same cloud pattern?
  20. No one's suggesting it's made a massive contribution to sales. But it would be stupid to think it hasn't sold a few extra 3DSs and games around the world that wouldn't otherwise have been bought.
  21. It's a huge factor in Go's success. Sure people turn it off after a while, but it's what opened the door and got them interested in the first place. Just think about all the social media AR pics that helped build the craze around the world. Without AR this wouldn't have been anywhere near as popular, even if the novelty of that was very short lived. Great news. I'm sure I read somewhere that this would in no way push people to the handheld games...
  22. Ronnie


    Not for me. Journey to me was about my Journey, not watching other players yank me out of the experience by reminding me this is a video game and distracting me with their actions. Obviously people have different views on the game, I'm glad I experienced it solo, you prefer online.
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