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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Yeah, wonder it's lasted so long, maybe networks actually give a shit about the quality of their shows nowadays.
  2. Greys? Shonda Rimes (creator) has already said it will go on till at least season 8. Grey's has a massive turn over of staff but I can't really think of too many leaving, apart from Katherine Heigl and she's been gone for ages. Unless you were refering to FNL
  3. Greys Anatomy isn't a question mark, it's one of the highest rated shows on American TV, it's picked up automatically. NBC haven't said anything about season 5 being the last for Friday Night Lights.
  4. Reminds me why I watched Friends for the last 7 years!
  5. I did realise that after I posted it but I couldn't be bothered editing it. *Edits now* He's not really wearing a costume now, it's a black t-shirt and coat. Daft, I can see why people don't like the show and I won't really defend it as it's all pretty much true. I'm just a junkie for everything Superman, so it's all good smack for me.
  6. The first 4 season yes. The later 4 no.
  7. You liked Buffy, so you'd probably like Smallville. The early going was basically Dawsons Creek but the main guy can run like Usain Bolt. Featuring a different freak of the week and Clark forever dreaming of being in Lana's pants. That basically continued along with the slow introduction to the Superman Mythos. The later seasons are where it's gets better but I do enjoy going back and watching the older ones. One thing i've noticed from that is how much nicer Kristin Kreuk used to look in the earlier season to what she did in the later ones. She was never obviously fat but it seems like she looks even more like a stick insect in later years. It's probably been my favourite TV show, it was the first I became pretty obsessed about and it's weird to think it's been on since I was 15/16. It's also featured some pretty awesome music in it, though it doesn't feature too much commercial music nowadays. Jay, it's amazing how many times you watch it and notice things you didn't the million other times you had watched that episode.
  8. Pretty gutted to be honest, Fulham deserved to win that just as much as Madrid did. I can't believe how much arse licking Nevin is giving Forlan. His first goal was offside and the second was going nowhere near the goal until it hit Hangeland, typical Forlan goals really. All this shit about it being one too many games for Fulham, how exactly? they lost to one pretty jammy goal with 4 mins to go. /Bitter.
  9. It's one of the barriers to the sport, the lack of ice and the cost of playing it properly. You can play without proper padding and stuff but I'd give 5 mins before you break something or kill yourself.
  10. Me too, it was that film that got me skating at a young age and the natural progression was to Ice Hockey. IMO there isn't a more thrilling, physical sport around. Wish it was more popular over here.
  11. I'm still undecided. If it was voting based purely on my local MP then it would be Labour but i'm not entirely sure. Might just write my name at the bottom of the ballot paper and do a little dance.
  12. D2: The Mighty Ducks. I wanted to be Charlie Conway when I was growing up, I still do.
  13. I'm pretty much the same, not a warm weather fan (not that we get much up here anyway).
  14. Coming from South Wales could work in your favour. They could see it as showing tremendous willing to make the sacrifices required to work in that school.
  15. CV done and dusted and handed in for possible new job. I'm feeling very optimistic about life in general at the moment, very unlike me. It won't last.
  16. Anyone heard of an American band called Parachute? Got their debut album called Losing Sleep and it's really good. Think they've had some of their songs showcased on US TV, but the shows escape me. Edit: Apparently the song below was on The Vampire Diaries. The Mess I Made Audio
  17. I concur with your statements on what he did with England but i think people are being a bit shortsighted with what he's done in Holland. It's like Hibs winning the SPL, it just doesn't happen.
  18. That Nike 6.0's Goaf? Me loves them, so comfy to wear all day.
  19. They would then face a qualifying match 10 days before the world cup final, hardly worth packing up for the season.
  20. Incidentally, Lyon's failing to reach the CL final means the SPL champions Rangers do not need to qualify for next season's competition.
  21. Teams know before the game even kicks of what they need to do and how the away goals works, Liverpool had just as much of an opportunity to score and away goal in Madrid. They didn't, Madrid mananged one in Liverpool, I'm struggling to see why people think it's unfair.
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