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Tissue Town

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Everything posted by Tissue Town

  1. Right. I've been a busy body. Here's what I modelled last week: And after a burst of inspiration (and PG's help provided awesome references), I decided to model this on Monday, which I have just finished.
  2. There is no Japanese dub whatsoever.
  3. He is loud and wants to be heard, constantly knocking every else, and pretty much gives Nintendo fans a bad name.
  4. Since there are so many people with other consoles now, people put priorities over the bigger games on the other consoles over the Wii. Frankly, the Wii just seems dated in comparison, and it only has the motion controls, and the Nintendo exclusives as it's only selling point. For long time gamers, Nintendo consoles, really, have only been about playing the Nintendo exclusives, like Zelda, Mario and Metroid etc. I'm sure everyone will get Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid, and of course Zelda, but I doubt most people will care about the other stuff, when they have limited time and budget and there are other games on the other systems worth spending money on. The Wii is a different market, and if it was on the same level as the 360 and PS3 in terms of horsepower, the story would be very different. I mean, only a very very small percentage of multi console owners care about The Conduit(example).. there are other FPS games to buy.
  5. These films were not shot at 720. They were filmed on 16mm film or cheaper film cameras. Again, resolution isn't set. And regarding the outputs.. I've honestly lost track of what we're debating on that topic. Film is film, it's not digital, and thus, there is no pixel resolution. I was just referring to the most common resolution used in cinema. So I think we can leave it at that, because we're not going anywhere.
  6. That was my intention, stranger.
  7. Shooting at 1080p makes no sense to me, as that is video display. Unless the camera you have used refer to your shooting mode as 1080p, which is just weird and makes no sense. And once again, 35mm film doesn't have any resolution. It's output to 2k most of the time because that is the best resolution you can get the majority of the time. This is why you rarely see 4k movies. And if you could name a few movies shot at 720, that would be great.
  8. Just showing a clear parallel with what happenstance said. I suppose the same could be said for Rez videos. If you don't like the stink of shit, go and watch something else. Another parallel.
  9. 1080p is not what cinema resolution is referred to as. It's 2k, 4k etc. 1080p refers to HDTV video modes. Cinema has nothing to do with 1080p. Secondly, 1080(p) resolution is 1920 x 1080 2k resolution is 2048x1080, where the vertical pixel resolution differs depending on the aspect ratio. Also 720 isn't a cinema standard. Furthermore, 35mm film resolution is only comparable to 4k if the quality of the shot is good enough, otherwise everyone would just go 4k. Finally, HD digital film cameras shoot at various resolutions, all depends on the camera. One of the most common cameras, the Panavision outputs a resolution of 1920 x 1080 for example. Which is Blu Ray quality. Just to get facts straight.
  10. We all know shit stinks bad, so don't go expecting anything else and it will be fine.
  11. Right, just read briefly the thread. Right, Choze doesn't know what he's talking about, and there are some facts here and there that people are getting wrong: -Unless this was a typo, Imax is a film format.. and not a file format. -35mm film isn't measured by pixels. It can be 100000 pixels in theory, but that would take an age, and it would produce horrible results. In general film resolution is printed at a 2k resolution, pretty much on par with 1080 resolutions. There are exceptions of course, highlighted in Wikipedia. Movies that are done digitally are most of the time done in 2k resolutions as well. So in actual fact, Blu Ray movies, in terms of resolution, are as good as you will get. You won't get next gen movies in 4k, because most were not done at that resolution. -In regards to cinema, most cinemas use projectors, copies of the master print, which again is mostly in 2k. Projection based cinema is bad quality due to the scratches, dirt, being used a lot etc. -Digital cinemas are in 2K and are generally flawless. They use hard drives. -Again, Imax, like film, is done on film, 65mm to be exact. So resolution output isn't set in stone. But obviously, much higher quality, and higher resolutions can be achieved. The Imax cinemas in London are the BFI, Science Museums, Greenwich and Wimbledon.
  12. He's especially unpopular because he isn't part of The Order of Nintendo Knights. Wrong man, wrong forum.
  13. They feel factually exactly like DMC4 in a sense that they use buttons, dual analogs.. basically a joypad. First of all, educate yourself by playing through DMC1 and 3. There is a reason why no one talks about DMC4 because it's dumbed down. Devil May Cry 4 isn't made by Kamiya, who is the daddy. Now as if you don't already know, Bayonetta is from the pioneer of the Devil May Cry "formula". It is the best game of this genre, by a country mile. For those who still don't get why it's getting rave reviews, this is the reason. Push aside the subjective things like the style or story, or even the music, since there will always be debates about that. This is about the gameplay. And the gameplay is undisputed. Bayonetta's combat system is a mixture of the best of Ninja Gaiden and Devil May Cry. With many many many improvements. You have an assortment of weapons to choose from.. Just like Ninja Gaiden You can charge up every single attack.. Even better than Ninja Gaiden You can cancel every single attack you do with a dodge at anytime.. Not like Ninja Gaiden. You have complete control over how you play the game. The combat system is more polished than a brand new car. There is no fault. If you die, it is your fault. You are rewarded with Witch Time when you dodge an attack, in which you become a bit more powerful, and will certainly come in useful to the more tougher enemies. The game is easy to get into. It rewards skill. In Ninja Gaiden the enemies are incredibly aggressive, and you have to be defensive and offensive at the same time. Bayonetta is more in the school of DMC, where the object is to dispatch enemies in the most stylish of ways, and this is where you are rewarded. Let's not forget that you can create the most longest, stylish and extravagant looking combos ever in a game.
  14. Read my first post in your head, as if Basil Fawlty is reading it out.
  15. Well OK, let's be serious. And since I believe in honesty, I will do just that. What I can see in both videos is a montage of clips from both games, spliced together in a very crude way, with a song placed on top of each of them. Now I really don't know what your goal is, maybe you wanted to show that you have an ability to use Adobe Premier, Final Cut Pro, or whatever video editing software that you have used. If that's the case, then you have showed that you can do that, and congrats, you have now joined the elite group of tens of millions who too can use video editing software packages. However, if your goal was to perhaps make a tribute to your favourite game, well I'm afraid you have failed on that one. Firstly, music choice. Linkin Park are one of the most used bands when it comes to video montages. They are mostly used for Anime ones, and they tend to be ridiculed. Therefore, if you really want someone to take your videos seriously, avoid Linkin Park. In fact, avoid any over used songs in montages, they get tiring too quickly, and people will not care less about your videos if you end up using songs like Don't Stop Me Now, and BYOB as an example. Second of all, your editing shows me that you have simply spliced clips together with very little thought in what you were trying to achieve. I do not get a sense of anything from watching them. If you want to have an idea on what good montages are, why not look at montages used in actual games, movie trailers perhaps, or even some (and I mean some) music videos. Now then.
  16. Ok. Then you WILL get that with Bayonetta, because the combat system is factually better than the superb Ninja Gaiden.
  17. You know. I don't think I've ever seen a video game related video with Linkin Park used as the music. A+
  18. What you have said there is literally the same as me saying "Halo is basically the same as Doom but with space marines". DMC4 was dull compared to almost every other game in the genre. It's like basing the entirety of the Zelda series by only playing Zelda 2. Do you, and pretty much everyone in this thread that moans about this game, know what you want from this game and the genre it belongs in?
  19. Seriously, if you didn't enjoy it, then the likely hood is that you don't enjoy these types of games, and thus making it pointless trying to force yourself to play through it.
  20. You have the modelling down. So get it finished, then worry about the rest in Zbrush ;p
  21. Visual treat encompasses - Direction, Cinematography, Special Effects, Art Direction etc
  22. I retract the basic plot with plot that has been done before, but done well. When I mean basic plot, is not in the negative sense at all. It's about outlining the premise of a movie in a single sentence. Have you seen Avatar yet? Vulgar nonsensical visuals, no plot is what a Bay film is.
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