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Posts posted by Serebii

  1. Apparently the next two episodes have been switched around, order wise.


    It's been done to deliver more answers to viewers sooner apparently, and it won't affect the story as one of the next two episodes can essentially stand on it's own.

    Its also apparently not the first time they switched episodes around...they did it in season 1

  2. After hearing that latest bit, I think they NEED to show students this story during Sexual Education. A, "If you f*** someone this is what will happen to you", sort of thing.

    You become famous around the country, get money for selling your story and are continuously fed money from the government for free while people who follow the law and don't do it end up getting nothing.


    Yeah, that'd deter them

  3. I thought you sold your Wii ages ago?


    Anyway, Pikmin 2 is the one for me. Chibi Robo too, possibly. Would have got Jungle Beat if they'd left in Bongo support. I may add, none of those games I owned originally, so don't do the whole "you're letting Nintendo rip you off" thing again. This range was never really about 'making' people buy the same games they already own - it's about giving an opportunity to the tens of millions of new customers who never had the chance first time round.

    Yeah, shame people dont realise that thats what its for

  4. I dunno, maybe us brits like Charlie because he's an English person in an american hit tv show who isnt a massive evil person. It's unheard of :p


    But on the flipside, there's Charles Widmore :p Oh look he's English, what a shock :p (yes I know Alan Dale is from New Zealand)

  5. Right I ended up missing yesterdays episode on Sky 1, anyone know where i can stream it for free? Does Sky have a way of doing it on their site cos i know ABC to do for the americans. I'm going out now but if any of you know a link for me to watch it that'd be great so i can watch it when i come back!

    Its being repeated tonight on Sky2 at 10

  6. I dont see how religious debates can be deep


    Looking at it logically, its just stories and fables conceived by people to try and understand their existence.


    Really its suprising that a culture as intelligent and developed as ours refuses to give up beliefs that are so old yet we dismiss many notions that are younger and seem ignorant compared to now.


    I personally am agnostic. However, I believe there probably are lifeforms on a higher level of existence, but that there's just one benevolant god that created all would not fit in to that logically. I just need proof.


    This advertising campaign however is ridiculous

  7. Yeah, it was pretty cool for a few hours! Has died again now though. Was so funny having a fag outside work an hour ago, so many cars skidding up and down Richmond Hill. A massive van is still stuck at the top of th ehill as well, haha. Cant believe he got to the top to be honest. If it wasnt for the traffic lights he'd have been away, but alas, hes now stuck and cant move!

    Haha thats amazing.


    Apparently though, Christchurch didnt get much snow at all...well weird, its only like 2/3 miles away

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