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Posts posted by Serebii

  1. Just been reading the comments on Joystiq...people are really going mental...they're not seeing the game, just the lack of online and are condemning Nintendo for it


    There really is no pleasing people...give them nothing, they moan...give them what they want...they moan

  2. That gamesradar article was quite interesting actually. They're basically saying that this is the first time 2 Mario games will release and be very similar to each other, and you've got admit to an extent that's true; Galaxy 2 is just using the principles behind Galaxy and adding new levels. That said, there's NOTHING wrong in that because the first game was awesome, apart from it was far too easy and the purple coin and comet challenges weren't very...good.

    Ah, but they're assuming...aside from the premise, for all we know its not the same

  3. I don't see why people are moaning at the existence of this, as good as they are, the games like StarFox and F-Zero don't really sell all that well. Mario games do, and to top that off, they're always awesome.

  4. So does it have a PROPER lengthy one player too? I presumed this was more of a multiplayer game?!


    Still disappointed this i the only real Nintendo game we're getting this autumn/christmas.... WHat the hell have Nintendo been working on?

    The Single Player is as long as the multiplayer as they're the same levels

  5. The thing what people are forgetting is that you have what is similar to WiiMotionPlus but with the power of the PS3 behind you (or 360 for that matter). It is possible to have ridiculously accurate gameplay. For example did you see the demo where he was using the sword and shield and he used the sword to lift up the enemies head from the chin, then slashed him to the ground? Things that accurate couldn't really be done on the Wii. Same for the physics when the enemies got a arrow to there leg and fell over.

    The Wii is fully capable of that kind of gameplay

  6. The Bow and Arrow Demo was pretty much exactly the same as how it was done 2 hours before in the Wii Sports Resort demo though...apart from the Sony one made the bow horizontal

  7. The same limitation of being in the range of the Wii sensor bar.

    Ah, but thats only for the IR features not for the 1:1 on Wii Motion Plus. While this one has motion sensing technology in it, they said in the conference that it has to be seen.

  8. Sony did a good job of showcasing this piece of kit, imo. It's not as gobsmacking or revolutionary as Natal, but kicks the Wii Motion+'s ass big time.

    Hardly...Motion Plus can do this just as easily

  9. I can't believe people are bitching about this. I was so happy when I saw it. Maybe I'm the only one who played 4 swords.

    No, I too am really looking forward to it. Looking at the video on the press room, it appears to be great fun in both Single & Multiplayer.


    Can't wait...certainly going to be a staple on the games nights I have

  10. And what would impress you? Its much better than the generic tripe every other developer brings


    Oh...from the Screenshots...you can ride YOSHI in this game


    There is also a Penguin suit that allows you to shoot Ice balls out


    The games levels really actually look incredibly stunning. You should watch the video when people post it outside the pressroom

  11. it certainly looks like one though...


    Just want to see what the one player is like and im sure it isnt a straight port at the end of the day but i find the graphics a little disappointing.


    You need to check your definition on the word Port.


    Using similar assets != Port. Port = Mario Bros 2 from Mario All Stars into Mario Advanced or LttP onto GBA. This is a totally new game just using the same assets


    Also, it does not look exactly the same as the DS one. The models are MUCH crisper and more detailled


    Not only did it look very medicore, they could've had a much prettier graphical style for a new 2D Mario, but the new power up looked poor and it really was a let down.


    This show was terrible. New Metroid aside it has just confirmed that I need a 360

    The "new" power up doesn't look poor and isn't poor. There was a platform in NSMB that did this, this just makes it more common place. I don't remember complaints about it then

  12. guess miyamoto will be showing this tonight behind closed doors.. hopefully anyway.. id like to hear some impressions on this..


    Looks like a bit of a mess in 4 playe to be honest.


    my concerns:

    the graphics.

    hope its not a port



    thats all... its mario they wont fuck it up i hope.

    It's obviously not a port...

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