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Posts posted by Serebii

  1. * Kyogre & Groudon both dwell in a cave like Rayquaza and like Rayquaza, they are to be found at Level 50

    * Apricorns have another use. As well as making the new PokéBalls, you can convert them into juice in order to boost your Pokémon's Pokéthlon stats

    * Three new Pokéthlon events have been revealed;

    o Break Block which has your Pokémon breaking blocks using their hand. This is controlled with the Touch Screen

    o Change Relay, another race controlled on the Touch Screen. However, unlike Dash Hurdle, you only control one Pokémon at a time

    o Push Circle is another match similar to RingOut Fight. However, you control all your Pokémon at once

  2. he first CoroCoro scans have come out and have revealed a fair bit of information.


    * First, it confirms that the Apricorns come back. However, this time, you have the ability to grow them yourself portabley, using the SquirtBottle to grow them. This means the following balls have returned, for reference here are their use:

    o Fast Ball: Captures Pokémon that Flee

    o Friend Ball: Increases Happiness of Captured Pokémon

    o Heavy Ball: Captures Heavier Pokémon more successfully

    o Level Ball: Captures Pokémon of lower levels easier

    o Love Ball: Captures opposite gendered Pokémon easier

    o Lure Ball: Captures Pokémon caught with the Fishing Rod easier

    o Moon Ball: Captures Pokémon that evolve with the Moon Stone easier

    * Next, it reiterates Kanto's return in Heart Gold & Soul Silver and also shows there is a new Battle Frontier style facility to the west of Olivine City. Further details about this Battle Frontier have not been revealed

    * It also confirms the National Park's Bug Catching Contest making a return. This contest features you having to capture the best Bug Pokémon you can.

    * It also shows that Rayquaza is catchable later in the game at Level 50. Further details were not revealed but as revealed in June, it will require Kyogre & Groudon for it to appear

    * It also shows that you have the Mystery Egg subquest from Gold & Silver. It is unknown if the Egg you receive will still be Togepi

    * Finally, it confirms that the new area west of Cianwood City is a Safari Zone.

  3. I know this is your problem, but I can't help feeling incredibly large compared to you, if your striving to be 9st, then it makes me feel as though I should be striving for lower too.


    I hate how people can have such an affect on how you should see your body, for instance I know Serebii has no intention of making anybody feel fat, but because of the way the mind works I suddenly do feel the next to start exercising.


    I hope this kinda crap goes away soon tbh.


    As it is I've been using ea sports active, it was actually more for a laugh than as serious exercise to lose weight, but I've realised its incredibly hard! Like using an actual trainer at a gym, I'd go as far as to say that using the cardio on ea sports active that I'm getting a better workout than the gym!


    Its actually really surprising. I've been eating less..alot less than I used to as well, drinking more instead which helps.


    My issues I have aren't weight loss, but I find I'm incredibly upset with my teeth, I do the same as everybody else, I drink fizzy pop, I drink alcohol, I drink tea, all which are very staining, I brush my teeth 2/3 a day, I drink water, etc. But I just see a decay rather than healthy balance, bleh. :sad:

    I apologise if that makes you feel that way, I truely do. However, there is a reason I myself am so paranoid about it and am constantly wanting to get it lower... Don't hold your plans to me, I am not someone you should do that with. I have issues.

  4. Actually, a 6/10 is not too shabby for Edge. The standard is just quite different when compared to the likes of ONM or even worse: Nintendo Power. 7 is the norm for OK-games. With Edge and GamesTM, it's a 5.


    True, even by Edges standards, A 6 is lower than I'd like to see, but it's better than everage. Was't it Edge that gave MP3:C a 7?


    Still, why they gave Halo 3 a perfect 10 is still beyond me...

    It's easy to tell why


    Microsoft give Edge big bags of cash. 10/10

    Nintendo don't give them big bags of cash. 6/10

  5. Well the Goa'uld are pretty much beaten anyway so its doubtful it will be them, the Ori are gone, replicators aswell and it should only be Wraith if they were in the Pegasus galaxy.


    I assume whoever it is that attacks them in the trailers wont be the main big bad as its what forces them to go to this new ship. It may even be a badguy that weve seen before, although I didnt recognise the ships.

    I heard it is the Lucian Alliance thats attacking them

  6. Space...it seems to go on and on forever. Until you get to the end and the monkey starts throwing barrels at you


    Space has always been my first love...I'm even saving up for a Virgin Galactic flight (Ridiculous I know), it's the infinite wonder, the infinite possibilities...I just wanna get off this godforesaken rock before we blow ourselves off of it

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