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Posts posted by Serebii

  1. Yeah I was thinking about that too, maybe they were just preluding to losing tan intro for this show, shame

    I think SciFi forced them to do it though. IIRC, I read on Joseph Mallozzi's blog a couple of months ago that they intended to have a full theme and everything, now thats out of the window

  2. Just be grateful they are back it's been like since SMW when they last showed, people always complain about the smallest things :heh:


    Here is the story, Iggy went to the hairdressers and wanted something new done too his hair so they dyed it for him :heh:

    You forget Yoshi's Safari :p

  3. I don't quite get the puff of smoke when it closes.


    Still, I don't see a shield/iris. It would be interesting if it simply didn't have one.

    Well this ship and the gates are older than the pegasus gates and everything so the smoke is probably just the reaction of a conversion of energy or something.


    The Iris was an Earth only thing and the shield a Lantean CityShip only thing so it's logical it doesn't have one

  4. Why not keep the picture taking part, scrap the rest and turn it into Pokemon Snap 2?


    It may be too early to tell but I get the feeling that this could turn out to be the Wii equivelant of Pokemon Channel... :/


    I mean it has potential but... meh Idk, just got a bad feeling about this, though I'd like to be proven wrong.

    I've got the feeling that this is an amalgamation of the three;


    Pokémon Stadium (specifically the mini-games)

    Pokémon Channel (exploration with Pikachu)

    Pokémon Snap (Photo Time!)

  5. New details


    # First we have some story details. In it, Pikachu gets informed of an issue in area by the mystery Pokémon Mew. While looking, Pikachu discovers the PokéPark which houses areas including the forest and the sea.

    # Next, the game has the ability for you to take screenshots in-game and save them to the SD Card within your Wii to show your adventure

    # There is a Trial of Strength feature within the games which house a variety of games for you to play and befriend Pokémon in order to use them and their abilities in the variety of attractions that are in the PokéPark


    * A quiz which allows you to befriend Pokémon if you correctly answer the batch of questions you are given

    * A Battle mode where you use Pikachu to defeat enemies with its attacks such as Thunderbolt

    * A Chase mode where you have to tchase the Pokémon you wish to befriend


    # Another of the attractions has been revealed. This mode is a race mode where you and your Pokémon race in the manner of waving the Wii Remote.

  6. "I think, therefore I am"


    That phrase doesn't prove we are sentient, but it proves that I am.


    Serebii is correct in saying you can't prove wether other people are sentient or just figments of one's imagination, but one can be certain that he/she exists, because he/she is capable of rational thought.

    And that's all the irrefutable proof we have.



    As for spelling, I don't mind a couple of minor mistakes here and there, as long as it's legible.

    I may ask that people watch their spelling once in a while, not because I'm that anal, but because I don't want their writing to worsen due to negligence.

    You misunderstood what I meant. I wasn't stating about whether or not our sentience is real, I mean as to how we developed sentience. How we became individuals and so forth. I'm talking the physical side of things, not the metaphyiscal side

  7. Further details have been revealed;


    It is an Action Adventure game where you have to go through and clear various attractions. In each attraction, you will meet a variety of Pokémon and you can use their abilities to make the attractions even simpler such as Water Pokémon in the Marine Slide and Flying Pokémon in the Sky Race. We'll bring more details as it comes

  8. Then you're a bit narrow minded :/


    We cannot say for sure about anything beyond our own existence within this planet and it's orbiting moon.


    We can't even explain our sentience, so how can you say for sure ghosts cannot exist?

  9. Those saying they don't exist, can you 100% say that there is zero possibility of once we pass our consciousness goes to another level and can sometimes manifest within the dimension we currently inhabit?


    I've experienced some freaky things in my time, some I can explain easily, some I cannot...however I've learned that it's best to never say absolutes.


    Sure it could be a waking dream based on a level where someone mentioned the previous tenant and it went in his head and his mind created it. However, the possbilities are endless

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