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Posts posted by Serebii

  1. *huff* I respect your work, I really do, but your kill-joy attitude of "it will not work" can be a real irritable pain.


    What do you think WILL work?


    Anyway for lolz: Peekachoo, yous dundashuck!!

    You forget, I'm a complete cynic :p


    It just doesn't really fit in right with it. There's too much physical pummelling required which doesn't necessarily fit in with Pokémon

  2. I'm going to miss Tennant. He's brilliant as the Doctor and this ep was amazing, even though it started a bit slow.


    2 more eps to go. We know the final one will probably air on New Years since they've announced The Complete Specials Boxset coming out on January 11th which contains The Next Doctor, Planet of the Dead, Waters of Mars and the next 2. Bring on Christmas

  3. as someone already said the problem would have to be the sheer number of pokemone these days.. of course they could limit it to 50 or something leaving out pokemon like far-fetched but fighting games need a balance and how could you have a balance between charizard vd charmander?

    If they limit it to bipedal Pokémon it'd work better


    However, I don't think a fighting game would necessarily work

  4. I think all the pre-release info ruined the game somewhat for me anyway, as there was no surprise when new levels/characters were unlocked.


    But in general I didn't really like the game anyway. SSBM it was not!

    Thats is exactly. Only two new characters were left for us to find out about after launch. It was a joke :/

  5. Oh yeah! Sadly this approach seems to what gamers want! The constant flood of information on games like SSBB and RE5 seem to just hype people further!

    The more hyped they get, the more likely it's to seem a disappointment


    Just gotta look at archives from last year shortly after Brawl launch for that

  6. Yeah. And the news should only be on news channels, movies should only be on movie channels, and comedy should only be on comedy channels. Then those people who only have analog or freeview can watch all the Strictly Come Dancing they want!

    Sounds like a plan

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