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Posts posted by Serebii

  1. He was effectively re-using residual energy reserved in the hand from his regeneration from the Ninth Doctor into the Tenth there to avoid the need to fully regenerate... I think.


    *awaits an objection*

    Not quite. He regenerated as he would, but he siphened the energy off into his hand

  2. To put this in perspective, Platinum was £34.99 in GAME when it was released last year. Walk with me: Do you know your walking routine? was also £50, and featured substantially less content (though the pedometer was arguably more advanced).


    Serebii, do you know if the cartridges are coloured gold and silver? Due to the infra-red receptors, the Walk with me cart was black, I wondered if Nintendo would take advantage of this to do specially-coloured carts...

    The Japanese ones were normal coloured

  3. The limit also explains more of the angst that 10 would have felt with his death being imminent. Even if he does regenerate, he's close to death, especially as there aren't any timelords to revive him like they did with The Master and Rassilon

  4. The only difference between now and 2 years ago is that Nintendo is letting us know they've stopped


    This always happens. It has always happened, and it will always happen.


    We've just got to live with it


    Although, Mario & Luigi 3 is a bit iffy. Maybe it just wasn't selling there. Why waste money

  5. I got that lump in my throat at the end of End of Time Part 2 again. From Wilf knocking on the glass to his regeneration, it was so emotional


    The bit that got me the most was the bit with Sarah Jane, as she could tell he was going to die based on the final scene with them in Sarah Jane Adventures, as seen here;


  6. I too am feeling more apathetic towards gaming, but thats not due to me, its due to almost all games being the same generic things with a tiny little twist.


    I used to buy like a dozen games a year, if not more. Now, I don't even get half that. Developers just aren't trying that much nowadays


    Sometimes developers do something thats been done before but do it amazingly like with New Super Mario Bros Wii, but most of the time, it's just too generic. Especially with the oversaturation of first person shooters in the market

  7. According to Wikipedia, Karen Gillan is older than Billie Piper was when she started on Doctor Who...but thats still younger than me. God I feel old lol

  8. Watched the 2nd episode and also not so fond. Across the whole two hours there was perhaps less than half an hour of actual events, and the rest was just filler.


    And try as I might I can't see the trailer for the new series and see "Doctor Who: The Teen Years"

    Dear lord Ashley, don't be so negative


    For one, Matt Smith is much closer to 30 than teenager. Second, the age of the actor holds no bearing on the quality of the show and the new show runner is the writer of the episodes many people think are the best of Doctor Who

  9. Part 2 is def. better than Part 1


    Part 1 wasn't that bad, is much better on a second viewing :) The problem with it is it's majorly just set up


    I've changed my DVD order to Blu Ray. Should get them Saturday :D

  10. two things i didnt get, martha and mickey, what was that about. never remember the two of them together or anything about where they were, also the captain jack bit with alonso confused me, must be a episode or two i missed or cant remember, can anyone fill me in?

    Well Martha's previous fiancé was just a rebound guy and Mickey & Jack convinced her to leave UNIT and so the two fell in love and got married


    Jack left Earth after having to sacrifice his son to save 30,000,000 Children and so was shaken up at the bar. Alonso was the only surviving crewmember of the Titanic from the planet Sto. The Doctor hooked them up

  11. Interestingly, Digital Spy have an interview with Russel Tovey about Being Human and spoke about his role of Alonso in DW and this came up


    You've been confirmed as being on the cast list for the second Doctor Who Christmas special, airing on New Year's Day. How big a role do you play?

    "It's the same character that I played before and he pops in."


    Do you think you'll cry when Tennant's final scenes air?

    "Will I cry? No. I think there'll be a lot of people crying, but no - I'll be fine!"


    Is there a chance for you to reprise that role again after this?

    "Surely. Yes. Sorry, I'm not allowed to say anything!"


    Torchwood Season 4 perhaps?

  12. The Doctor didnt just say goodbye to them, he saved their lives (except for Rose and I guess Joan's great granddaughter)


    Martha & Mickey were about to be slaughtered by Sontarans

    Luke was going to get hit by a car which would have also destroyed Sarah Jane emotionally

    Jack was still visibly upset and drowning his sorrows after needing to kill his grandson and the Doctor injected some joy back into him (or should I say Alonso did)

    He saved Donna from a life of misery without being able to make ends meet so well


    That makes it even more touching, and in my view it didn't drag on

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