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Posts posted by Serebii

  1. Still, it's less confusing than calling it Series 1 again. If they do in merchandise, say you ask your grandmother for Series 1 on DVD for Christmas...how the hell is she going to know which to get. Series 5 on the other hand, only one option

  2. I don't see why they're so reluctant to call it Series 5


    The Eccleston Series was called Series 1, the Tennant ones are 2-4 and this is a direct continuation rather than an essential restart such as with Eccleston

  3. Well then :P


    Anyway, the Yellow Forest event has been announced.


    The official site has just updated and has announced that the Yellow Forest Pokéwalker route is set to be given over WiFi in America, and likely Europe & Australia as they run off the same servers, from April 1st 2010 to April 30th 2010. This WiFi event allows the download of the route in Pokéwalker that houses six different kind of Pikachu. One of them knows Surf, and one of them knows Fly.


    For more details, check here; http://www.serebii.net/heartgoldsoulsilver/pokewalker-area.shtml#yellowforest

  4. Just reached the Safari Zone - man, I hate that place. It's so hard to catch anything decent! It's nice to know that there's nothing there that I need to complete my Pokédex, though, for once.

    Erm, if you're talking about National Dex, yeah there is...a lot :P and it'll literally take you months



    Anyway, I found out something today my contact neglected to tell me. The Tin Tower in Ecruteak City has been renamed the Bell Tower

  5. Yeah, Dante is there really any point posting spoilers for unaired episodes? I know you've spoilered them but still, I don't think anyone on this forum will want to know anyway. (I accidentally clicked show)


    In other news, jesus fucking christ I can't watch the show this season, the character coincidences in the flash-sides are just so painfully jarring!!


    And does anyone care about Widmore anymore / did they ever? I thought the writers had got bored of his story at some point in s5 and tossed it aside. Owell.

    And the reunited montage at the end was a bit cringe.


    Wasn't all bad though, mainly due to presence of Alpart. Pretty much confirmed that he came on the Black Rock then. And the dynamite bit was badass (if a little nonsensical)


    Or it could be considered the universe is trying to fix things by bringing these people together

  6. And I go back to my earlier point; how the fuck does it take so long? :p


    C'mon, if America can do a 22-26 part series (incl. sci-fi) between June/July-March (and air Sep-May) then sur -- oh wait...it's BBC...and it's Welsh.


    Never mind.

    American shows aren't as consistent in quality

  7. You could find 15 seconds of action clips from the first half of the season (although not much more), so this trailer doesn't fill me with confidence that it'll be anymore interesting or less boring, bleak and forgetful. Especially if the characters continue to be mostly a bunch of unlikeable argumentative idiots.

    My main concern was that they used the stones too much, but the producers have assured people that they've reduced the use of it plus they've stated there is an inclusion of actual aliens in it


    I'm looking forward to it, when SGU was good, it was very good. When it was bad though...yikes. I like to pretend that Episode 9, Life, was just a 10 minute mini-episode featuring an ancient chair and just ignore all the earth stuff :P

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