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Posts posted by Serebii

  1. Wow, talk about out of the blue! Wasn't expecting anything about this game until E3!


    Just watched the second trailer, looks amazing. I don't particularly care about Yoshi personally, as I think he works in 2D Marios a lot more than 3D ones, but everything else looks fantastic.


    I really loved the music that's been in both trailers. What's the likelihood that it will be the game's main theme, and used as one of the galaxy's music? It's the only orchestrated music we've heard so far anyway.


    I'm not liking the "World 2" graphic though. Doesn't look very promising if it's linear like that. How many worlds are there? Is a world the same as a galaxy? Or is a world similar to an observatory from Galaxy 1? What about the storytelling? The look and feel of the hub world, and how you discovered new galaxies was fantastic in the first game, hopefully it'll be just as good in the sequel.


    Love the new title graphic, very nice.


    Can't believe it's coming out so soon though. Looks like we may yet see Zelda Wii around xmas time!


    EDIT: Just seen a pic, looks like the Lumas are back, great news.

    I believe a "World" is the equivilant to an Observatory. However, I don't see how it is any more linear than the first game, it just seems to lack a Hub world

  2. Where is news on Nintendo DS2 and Pokemon Gen 5 and Zelda Wii Nintendo come on you need to announced the DS2 before sony announce the PSP2.

    You don't get how these things work. This was just covering the next few months. E3 will likely have major stuff (Although don't hold your breath for Pokémon Gen V)

  3. Are you ragging on Mordin? That guy is freaking awesome. One of the most interesting characters with a back story relating to one of Mass Effects most morally grey part of history. Possibly my favourite character.

    Mordin is the very model of a scientist salarian

  4. Couldn't agree more. That's the best piece of design I've ever seen, and I keep mine purely to play Metroid: Zero Mission and Metroid Fusion.


    Oh, by the way, the new hardware is definitely meant to be the DS2. Apparently the Pokemon people are working on it: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=235077

    That article was flawed. I pointed it out in their comments and they just went and deleted my comment and slightly edited their article

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