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Posts posted by Serebii

  1. I mostly enjoyed the episode, some things were just silly like the whole book of saxon angle as others have said.


    Surpised no-one has mentioned Donna yet, the Doctor said here head would 'explode' (i know not literally) if she remembers stuff and she remembered things at the end and says her head hurts... yet in the trailer it shows here running down the street and looks ok...


    I personally hope the Timelords are back perminatly, 'evil' or otherwise. It just leaves something there for future stories etc and the doctor can stop being so depressed about 'being the last'. What i don't want to see is them all gone again at the end of this episode just for it to be brought back up again in the future and 'brought back'.




    You are correct!

    It probably wont literally explode and you can guarantee it wouldnt be instant else she wouldnt have been able to have the knowledge in Journey's End

  2. I don't think the Time Lords are necessarily back


    My theory is this bit is the final bit of the Time War and we may see Paul McGann do his bit of killing everyone off but 10 does something to help it happen causing him to regenerate meaning the final act of the Time War caused him to regenerate twice

  3. Yeah Dante, I had the same with my one of my family, they were talking about the ugliness of the ood and just talked over it a fair bit, think that hampered my enjoyment somewhat


    Everyone else in my family loves doctor who though

  4. Just finished watching through all Doctor Who (Modern) this month (one with breakfast, one at lunch and one before bed). From Rose to Waters of Mars (including Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith). Am mega psyched for Christmas now :D

  5. Welcome to page 4?


    Anyway, I'm happy.


    But annoyed.


    I saw someone on Facebook, who has posted X-Factor status updates every weekend, say that they're happy about Rage being number 1.





    I can still complain now that this proves that sheep mentality works. The Daily Mail owners are punching the air

  6. To be fair Joe's isn't a Christmas song either. I agree with you though, it should be a Christmas song but when was the last time that happened.

    Well 2004 we had one trying to guilt us into thinking of starving children in Africa while we stuff our face with Christmas food.


    So, next year's Christmas #1 Campaign; I Believe in Father Christmas by Greg Lake


    I'll make it happen :P

  7. So, instead of being sheep and getting X Factor Stuff, the sheep went to the Rage route and succeeded.


    It really isn't that fair though as many people bought multiple instances of Rage (at least from what I can tell, I know lots of people I have on my facebook bought at least 3.


    The mentality behind this entire thing has made me laugh so much. "Lets not be sheep, lets all do this instead"


    Personally, I'm going to listen to Christmassy stuff and not cacky death metal

  8. I got this yesterday. Its brilliant so far. The only problem I have with it really is using the Wii remote on its side, when they could have easily put an option in to use the classic controller.

    Well the motion stuff would be buggered if they gave that option :p You could always plug in the nunchuck

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