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Posts posted by Serebii

  1. Online trading would work! But sadly, this is Nintendo, who seem to hate the thought of making any game online. Not only that, but they seem to hate Pokemon recently, seriously, how much longer can they keep churning out the same shit before people get bored? Sadly, for quite a while I think. I can't believe how many people who had Diamond or Pearl went and brought Platinum too. All that everyone has ever wanted is a full, 3D Pokemon RPG. (Or most people, as someone is obviously going to say 'Well I never wanted a 3d pokemon game)

    10 years since people started waiting for this game to exist, it still doesn't.

    What? I dont see your logic. Pokémon has been changing loads in this generation, its not the same old stuff over and over


    A 3D RPG will NOT work. I am fed up with explaining this. Even the developers have explained it

  2. I am not a fan of stand up at all, but a friend had a spare ticket to see Jimmy Carr a couple months back and I saw it.


    It was one of the most hilarious experiences I have ever seen and was well worth it, even though some of his jokes were previously on 8 out of 10 cats

  3. lol why has the guy got orange on his hand? Although it seems the diet is going well Mr Bii.


    Josh, I love how the first one suggests "Oh god breasts! Get them away get them away!"

    UV paint :)


    And my diet has a way to go, hit a snag and gone up a few pounds...gotta lose that again

  4. Clever? How so? (This is probably something obvious that just completely went over my head. :heh: )


    I want to say it looks like a spear.


    It's kind of missing a strong female character. It's a bit of a sausage-fest at the moment.

    It is shaped like a Chevron on a Stargate :)

  5. Seen the pilot and it looks interesting to me. But I hope they don't go to far with stupid looking aliens and technology that is more magic than it is technology.


    How did they get the gate to work? Elih said something about having to dialing from Earth and something about it being a code, but what did they do to insert the ninth chevron the second time that didn't work the first time?


    The Earth Symbol has been noted on several non-earth gates somehow so its not that far of a stretch



    ... :blank: ...

    People are comparing it to BSG because its "gritty" but I'm not seeing that many similarities other than that

  6. Well I watched it, I liked it. I didn't like BSG but I like this.


    It did seem a bit slow in places but I think they really should have put the third part on with this, maybe that would make it feel more complete


    Plus Ronnie, the producers promised very few pine forests and no forehead aliens (when did they even do that, that was Star Trek). I really doubt replicators will appear as well

  7. Ike's idea is the most logical course of action


    Not as PBR HGSS but a new game in the style of "3D Battle Simulator" with compatibility for Pokémon forms introduced in Platinum and HeartGold & SoulSilver


    The developers have stated it will never be a full 3D RPG


    My money's on a Ranger Wii game, have been expecting that for a while

  8. OMG! Awesome! Excellent cameo. Spoilers though.


    By the way, I noticed the other day on 2ch that lot's of anons were spamming hate against you. What the hell did you do piss them off?

    Is it because you post stuff found on 2ch on your site? Because that's completely natural. Are they just being retarded?

    Whenever CoroCoro came out, they claimed we were "too fast" in posting the details and hate went from there.


    Plus, before I got the game and some person was pposting their findings (gym leaders etc) since they got the game early, they were hating on me as if I stole it when I didnt even take any of her pictures whereas a certain other site took every single one

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