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Posts posted by Serebii

  1. Surely it'll only work with EyeToy type games aswell though.


    Couldn't do Red Steel 2 or anything, as it's not gonna recognise true 1:1 virtual hands.



    This is just a slightly more advanced Eye Toy, nothing revolutionary. The only impressive thing about it was what Peter Molyneux did...but you cannot really make a game out of that

  2. To me, this seems like a step back rather than a step forward...smaller screen, lack of support for the games for the system which it is. People moan when theres a lack of backwards compatibility...now we have a lack of sideways compatibility. Sure it may be thinner...but I dunno...it does not wow me at all

  3. Goron_3, you forget, the bomb going off MAY be what was meant to happen. I mean with Dr. Chang losing his hand like that, it is obviously a predestination paradox. It was all going to happen. I sincerely doubt anything has reset

  4. I would suspect so also. But I was more referring to what happens in terms of, there must be a reason they follow you around, so are they effectively restricting you to having the starter in your party for certain aspects of the game? Or can you replace them in some way? What if you trade over another of the starters - can you have that follow you, or is it only the one you choose at the start?


    Essentially my original post and this one is purely rhetorical, since I don't expect anybody (except perhaps Serebii, who would probably be NDA'd anyway) to know the answer.

    Details will likely be given next month

  5. I thought that after the tournament the champion got to take on the elite 4. I remember suggesting something similar on another forum, it'd lengthen the experience even more.

    That is the case. Made even more noticiable by the constant foreshadowing in the current run. They say to battle the Elite Four, you must win the local tournement

  6. How could they be so cruel to leave us on a cliffhanger like that lol


    But then again, we know its a predestination paradox so

    We know the blast doesn't kill anyone. Just look at Dr. Chang's hand, we know he had a fake hand in some of the videos dated beyond 1977. Miles had it right, it was destined to happen


  7. Remakes include new things remember, look at FRLG, loads of new stuff. You cannot expect it to just be a slightly better looking port


    And as for a girl, this is a GS Remake, not a Crystal remake. In GS, there wasn't a female character so they made one

  8. I wouldn't trust that info if I were you


    There have been several conflicting reports supposedly from CoroCoro come on 2ch, the NeoGAFers are just repeating one


    I maintain that if they were going to reveal the Release Date, they would have done on Sunday when Pokémon Sunday aired. They said Fall 2009 there, they wouldn't do that and then release the release date a few days later

  9. So the whole blowing up off Vulcan didn't really happen then? Because going by the end of the film when Spock is tattling on about finding a new colony to settle on, it sure seems to be the same timeline. Ignore if I am being a dunce.

    It did happen, just not in the timeline of TOS, TNG, DS9 & VOY


    I suggest you watch TNG Episode Parallels. It'll help you with the whole Multiverse theory.

  10. While I agree nostalgia wise GS is a great game, recently I went back to replay it and it was short, easy and horribly unbalanced. The addition of Kanto probably shouldn't have happened. Yes it added 8 more badges, but there was nothing to do there. Kanto was empty, there were barely any trainers outside of gyms in it.


    I just hope they fix that :)

  11. They haven't re-written anything. By going back in time they created an alternate universe. Everything in the original timeline has, and still will happen.


    Exactly, because without that timeline unfolding how it did, this one wouldn't have been created


    It's all one big tapestry ;)


    However, everything in Star Trek Enterprise that happened also happened in this Universe as the changing point didn't happen until 2233.


    Personally, I loved it. It did everything right and brilliantly too. Especially with the realism. Such as the explosion in the corridor blowing someone out to space. Camera follows her and all the explosion sounds just stop since sound doesn't exist in a vaccuum.

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