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Posts posted by Serebii

  1. As much as I agre that the missions themselves are very samey, I get a great sense of "must better this time later when I get better/more parts." The leaderboards are a great help for the longevity of the time you spend trying to fine-tune your efforts. It's not hard to get into the top 50 on the L.O.G. Choice levels. Once you have a better selection of parts by finding crates and, to a larger extent, by getting Jiggies, you can really go to ( Showdown? ) town with your creations and it's this aspect which you have to have a penchant for if you want to progress and especially fully complete the title.

    You can do that? How do you unlock that feature...

  2. This is the state of Nintendo's Wii console, easily number one in monthly hardware sales and reliably dead last where the hardcore gamer is concerned.
    Wow IGN, I had no idea that the NPD sales statistics narrowed down "Core Gamer" and "Casual Gamer". Nice spin you have there


    Oish, this argument has grown tired and really doesnt need editorials for or against it

  3. Just completed this 100%, 100 jigges, 900 notes and all achievments! :grin: Really good playing through this again!


    The only level that really gave me any problems was the Mad Monster Mansion! lol, i had 9 or so notes left and could not find them anywhere till i realised there was another large window on top of the mansion on the other side... :indeed:


    Also that last bottles puzzle, grrrr that was annoying.

    I did the exact same thing on that level...9 notes and they were all in that room lol

  4. God I know what you mean.

    In the Banjoland, taxi mission. Where you gotta use the car they give you and it's got two taxi seats being towed behind you.

    That seriously took me over an hour itself. I didn't even sleep that night. Not because of that, but it was so damn frustrating.

    Wait til a Jinjo Taxi thing in the Terroranium thing...it doesnt even have an engine and you have to get it miles in 2 and a half minutes

  5. Will give it a go. I had a vehicle with full engines (4*Large, 5*Medium, 4*Small, 1*Super), enough fuel and ammo, a torpedile, egg guns, grenade guns, folding wings, folding propellers


    Can get through to the broomstick one relatively easy, but I just cant get the height for it

  6. Just slap a laser on your vehicle for an easy win!


    I see Cube has been making some great progress on this, I need to get back to getting all the Trophies and Jigges but im getting bogged down with lots of games at the moment. I will probably comeback to it when im off for 2 weeks near Christmas.

    Regardless, I still cant get high just on this level with the vehicle...maybe I need to add more propellers to it

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