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Posts posted by Serebii

  1. Well look It doesn's have to stick with portable.. and it hasn't It jusfeels like there is no heart in the console games.

    Maybe you;re right this is due to the developers but Anything is possible on both handhelds and consoles... Who ever thought the legend of zelda.. A huge massive world would work on a primitive pocket sized machine with terrible graphics?


    Those weren't proper games, they were side-games and not developed by the main developers


    Oh and the "terrible" graphics of the first portable Zelda were vastly superior to the first normal Zelda so your argument fails :p

  2. Last week was christmas...


    but i do understand your concerns, if you were fat and lost it, theres like more chance (due to the fat cells remaining and wanting to transfer cells into them easier) then putting it on is far easier.


    I'm looking to not lose weight, i'm kinda alright with myself atm, sure i can stand to be thinner, but atm, i get that way at uni. I'm looking to get fitter, i did 40 sit ups while holding weights and my stomach area killed the next day, so my objective is to gain some more muscles around there.

    I used to be like 18 stone so I'm paranoid bout it

  3. Tempted to post a before and after of me from the last 4 years as its quite hilarious.


    Am 9st 8 atm...still trying to work it down a bit...to like 9st 4 or so...patience is needed but atm my weight is all over the place...yesterday it was 9st 10, the day before 9st 7...

  4. Oh dear.:heh:

    What a joke, the Doctor is meant to be getting on for one thousand years old, but seems to be getting younger and younger all the time. Not only would it be more fitting for the character to be older, but it might promote respecting your elders, but the BBC are obviously more interested in ratings than conveying a positive message.

    You do know what the whole concept of regeneration is right? Plus he's only 3 years younger than Peter Davison was when he took the role...will be 2 years younger when it airs

  5. What does it matter what its due to. The original Pokemon games were big due to certain things...this expands it


    And the fact that they can be stored in pocket-size pokeballs and can be taken with you anywhere, doesn't ring a bell when it comes to handheld games? Don't forget that Pokémon was first a game.

    Well yeah, I just read that as "the buzz has died" :P It's still hugely popular though, at least the games, or else Diamond/Pearl wouldn't be the 3rd best selling generation.

    Its the second, not the third last I checked

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