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Posts posted by Serebii

  1. Lol my Xbox has already crashed on the new dash! Hopefully that isn't the beginning of the end for it.

    I think it looks nice and I do think it's much easier to find everything.

    And no more 0 point games on my history!! No more Sonic the Hedgehog on there! I can finally forget I ever bought that game and move on!

    Mine did too after exiting a friend's thing in the friend area

  2. Anyone been able to access the Marketplace yet? I'm still unable to see anything. I can go into it but when I go to look at the lists, it's just constantly loading and then nothing comes up.

    I was on it earlier, soon after this was released, but since then its died

  3. I got stuck while jumping somewhere, tapped a load of buttons and fell through the level.

    Ah fair enough


    Since you've completed it (judging by the tux), can I refer you to my question earlier


    I do wonder how we get everything, I mean there arent enough Jinjo things and arent enough notes so whats the deal
  4. I was surprised at how crappy and knackered my disc drive sounds compared to the brand new Xbox I just bought my girlfriend. I've not had an error yet but I'm slightly worried.

    Older drives are by different makes to the newer ones so they sound different when loading


    Heck, my Wii sounds different than it did before I sent it off...its just natural

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