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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Trying to invite a couple of friends but they don't seem to be receiving the e-mails :s
  2. I had to get my picture on my redone. Places weren't accepting it. I had lost the weight, as many of you know, so pub people thought I was a 16 year old trying to use my borther's driving license. I got escorted out of a pub once because of it.
  3. Just go for a provisional driving license. I have no intention of driving any time soon, but the provisional is valid ID and so counts
  4. No. I worry about them having boyfriends who will stab me in the face though
  5. Cheers, very appreciated When are invite periods usually? Is it set?
  6. Can I get an invite off someone please Much obliged. Wanna test this thing out
  7. BBC Trailer. Much less American orientated like the US trailer was
  8. http://www.serebii.net/pokedex3d/exclusives.shtml This page may interest you btw, bit spoilerish though
  9. Shockingly, I saw some TV ads for this earlier. Unfortunately, they were using OneDirection. I bring it up due to the unusualness of them advertising a downloadable, let alone a free one. Edit; Found them on google http://www.youtube.com/user/Nintendo3DSuk?blend=8&ob=5#p/u/0/Z5pSUOXFxZA
  10. I decided to try and went in and spotted it after the fourth entry in, then it took about half an hour for it to decide to follow my sinking lure, then about 5 minutes of reeling in Worth it all for the 50 Rupees
  11. Caught the Hylian Loach First time ever in my 13 years of OoT playing
  12. Torchwood: Miracle Day will air on every Thursday from the 14th of July at 9pm on BBCOne
  13. Why? I hate having to have an active unfinished savefile to do DLC. It's an awful idea and that's why the DLC for Mass Effect 1 sucked
  14. The cake is a lie
  15. Perfection takes time. You should know this, you're a Nintendo fan.
  16. I just dunno about clubs. I have met a few people who like the site, at a party but it takes a while for me to form friendships I guess. Not exactly the most social person. In big groups, I tend to be the quiet one. It comes from being an 18 stone hermit in the past
  17. Unfortunately, I finished University a few years ago and all but a few of the friends I made have buggered off
  18. Trying to get my friends to do more stuff so I can get out and meet people
  19. To me, it is a last resort. May not be for others, I know it's perfect for others. My sister met her current boyfriend through a dating site and because of it, I have an awesome little nephew. However, for me...no. Until I have exhausted all possible avenues, it wont be an option
  20. I was trying to set ReZ up for one of his awful jokes :p The thing is, I've always seen it as an absolute last resort. I'm just not there yet
  21. I wouldn't put it like that, I just don't see it as the way I should go
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