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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. That's better than what they rated MW3 and Uncharted 3! CVG have also reviewed it, 9/10 aswell but they had some complaints and compared it to various expensive small chocolates
  2. There, 1000/1000 Gamerscore for Sonic Generations Wish it were longer...I rarely S Rank Sonic stuff too and I managed to do this easily
  3. AHEM! Don't make me punch your throat :P
  4. Gotta get 4 more Red Rings until I'm done I also have to S Rank one more level until I'm done (S Ranking Challenges not withstanding...just trying to get achievements here at the moment, then I can try the S Rank of Challenges) Both in Planet Wisp (Modern). Hate that level
  5. http://jpgames.de/2011/11/zelda-ocarina-of-time-bundle-fur-den-nintendo-3ds/ Comes November 24th
  6. Another bundle apparently revealed
  7. UK WiFi event confirmed Victini with V-Create, Fusion Flare and Fusion Bolt to run from December 3rd to December 31st Oh yeah, we're also getting another new Dream World Area on November 16th
  8. This. If I was psychologically assessed, I'd probably get sectioned...
  9. Of course you can, and then you can meet an awesome guy in prison
  10. I'm noticing a running theme in the suggested thread names It makes me a sad person
  11. You don't have to stand up to play, you can sit down, but you still need to make decent motions, waggle won't work. You can do all the necessary motions while sitting in a chair. It's perfectly easy. You don't need to overdo it
  12. I know exactly how you feel @ipaul. Over the last two years, every girl I've clicked with has been in a relationship. So annoying :/
  13. Early days, my friend. Early days.
  14. The 3DS is more powerful than the Wii. It can do GameCube stuff, especially now it can have an optional second stick
  15. I also caved, was originally waiting for Christmas but was bored. Enjoying it so far
  16. It's very likely it'll be on the update
  17. I'll go with @The Peeps for this
  18. Currently packed in with Mario 3D Land
  19. You guys are cruel :P Will post the winner tomorrow
  20. Question is, which publication will decide to cause outrage. I'm willing to say Gamespot...they've always seemed anti-motion control and more likely to be paid off (since they have been countless times)
  21. Ok, I'm struggling to think of good photos so I went with this
  22. Nope, they didn't
  23. There was a new one from GamesTM...it was gushing, saying no bad things, it being perfect, pinnacle of gaming, essential play It gave it 9/10
  24. Grammar semantics :P I'm saying that it's not indicative either way
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