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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Nintendo Holding 3DS Internet Presentation on Friday Details on Mario Kart 7 and the November firmware update to be announced by Satoru Iwata. 20:00 JST
  2. That's lazy lol. Think I'm going to go with The Count anyway
  3. I've become more of a perfectionist since I lost weight :p
  4. I'm a bit of a perfectionist though. It's either accurate or not at all
  5. @Magnus even if I were to get the hat, have to get jacket and loads of stuff...it gets costly. Then there's time constraints.
  6. As I said, too costly (and a bit on the nose :P) Would have to go classic Ash for people to get it and I can only find the hats on dodgy sites I'm not comfortable offering card information to. Jacket is also a problem
  7. I actually think I will go for the count...my brother owes me £50 so I'll just use that on it
  8. @Murr Yeah, it went down well but I don't really want to repeat a costume :/ Yeah I'm avoiding the Zombie, I don't really want to put too much crap on my face...it's like vandalising a work of art :p
  9. I've had some pretty badass costumes in the past, which is why I need to get a great one this year. Here's what I have ad
  10. That time of year is approaching again...halloween What are all you guys going as? I'm trying so hard to work out a costume for it but I just can't decide on one Was originally thinking about going as The Count from Sesame Street, but the costume is a bit too big for me so I'd be swimming in it, plus it's £50 for a one-time use costume. So now, I'm stuck
  11. Oh dear christ. No no no no no. They're trousers!
  12. I daren't look...
  13. Not sure about this, it seems far more Phoenix Wright than Layton...I was never really a fan of Phoenix Wright but was intrigued by this
  14. Just bought some Chinos...they're so surprisingly comfortable, much more than jeans. I wear chinos now...chinos are cool
  15. Agreed. That said, I'm hoping they'll release London Life for free/very low price on DSiWare or the eShop
  16. Go on the Global Link now and there's an event Pokémon Password to unlock it is BANETYahooGames It's a Level 37 female Banette with its Hidden Ability of Cursed Body. It also has a special move; Cotton Guard
  17. New trailer Why is there no discussion over this game??
  18. Not playing through anything at the moment on the Wii, but will next month for Zelda obviously, and PokéPark 2!
  19. Not usually this long. I'm unsure why it has been almost 6 months since the last one
  20. This sinusitis + flu is really doing a number on my lungs. My asthma hasn't been this bad since I was hospitalised when I was 7 due to my asthma
  21. Registration for the Tournament is up on the global link http://www.pokemon-gl.com
  22. Five hundred seventy four thousand three hundred and twenty-second time's a charm!
  23. Same here. Been trying for an hour and it's pissing me off, whereas my friend got his updated in two attempts
  24. It's taking forever to download iOS5
  25. If you're in a comfortable position on say a sofa or your chair, its less straining on the eyes
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