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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Super Wii Some Japan promos call it that
  2. I've used my UK credit card on my Japanese 3DS multiple times.
  3. You can never appreciate Shakespeare until you hear it in the original Klingon
  4. That article has it right completely. People keep comparing the sales and attach ratio to current values rather than comparative values of the consoles at that point in their life. It actually can get quite infuriating, as a journalist, to see people get so misinformed. Then saying that there are mitigating circumstances to the others doing "poorly" during that time to fill the agenda you're pushing is wrong too. Every console has mitigating factors to do with sales. Wii U does. Premium sets are harder to get and most adopters don't want the Basic set. The release is also in a much rougher economic climate where people are less inclined to spend money on luxuries such as new game consoles. If that is not a mitigating factor, then you really are just trying to be anti-Nintendo.
  5. The NintendoLand Luigi's Mansion game has somehow got me psyched for this. I was umming and ahhing about it until then as while I liked Luigi's Mansion, I've never had the urge to replay it
  6. They have said that it's one NSMB game per platform so rest easy
  7. This, very much this. Nintendo have got the trifecta for Japan this year Dragon Quest in February Monster Hunter 4 in Summer Pokémon X & Y in October Each will spur sales of the console and reach 1m quickly. Pokémon will likely start at 2 million units on launch day 1. This alone will keep Nintendo in profit this year
  8. Still, their intent is for the Japanese launches. It's not their fault the western stuff was so screwed. Black 2 & White 2 had a fast localisation, based on previous localisations, it should have actually come out in the west this month. However, that is now irrelevant as games will be worldwide now How are they terrible?
  9. @Captain Falcon, you seem to be missing the entire point of these new battle systems. You just dismiss them as extras, but they add extra levels of strategy. Not only do the moves have to be targeted, some can't be targeted at others, if they hit multiple, they may hit your Pokémon plus the overall damage is reduced. As for the list of Japanese releases, you were commenting on the release as per Ubisoft and Activision, who are developers. As such, I was pointing out the original releases of the game from the developer and thus showing there is a gap.
  10. You guys do know that IVs have existed since Red & Green in 1996, right?
  11. What framerate issues?
  12. Pokémon Black 2 & White 2 has you start in a city. The city has a Gym. It has no laboratory in it I agree about RNG abuse. Thankfully, the 3DS isn't hacked yet so they'll be unable to do it
  13. The areas in the new games are more condensed. I prefer that to wide open areas of nothing
  14. To be fair, in the land of the rising sun, it's like this Platinum: 2008 HGSS: 2009 BW: 2010 B2W2: 2012 That's crazy, the games change loads, especially between generations
  15. Looks it, albeit slightly altered, to me
  16. Yeah and look at how bad the balance is there. Elite Four at low 40s. Empty second region barring a few trainers. Half the areas gimped.
  17. Different battle systems belong in the spin-offs Multiple regions won't be in one game because the balance would be horrific. Either they'd have to increase max level to like 500 or stop you using your Pokemon in each new region
  18. Indeed it does As I wrote in ONM, why should they change the entire genre of the game. You don't see people asking that of the other video game franchises, so why Pokémon?
  19. Yeah, but the way they did it is the way they promised to. They said they'd switch to 3D models if they could find a way for them to be stylistic and amazing. They've done this like Layton. 3D models that could be sprites if you're looking at a still
  20. Be glad the release is (pseudo)simultaneous worldwide, else it'd have been 2014 :p
  21. Oh hell yes
  22. That's what makes it even more frustrating :p
  23. My graphics card died 45 minutes before this announcement
  24. Fun fact The 3DS broke 10 million units in Japan last week, in less than two years
  25. He didn't hype that. The fandom did
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