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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Indeed they are, but they never did anything
  2. That's also the case with The Doctor being a different race. Either they completely ignore the racial aspects in historical episodes, which does disservice to the history and to Doctor Who in general. If they don't ignore it, then it'll become an issue in every historical, especially ones set in America and after the first time, it could be damaging to the show. It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenaro Anyway, I once again say Julian Rhind-Tutt should be the next Doctor. He's very Doctorish and he'd fulfil the desire of the Doctor to be ginger
  3. The constant speculation every time we get a new Doctor about it being a female Doctor does my head in. Stands to reason that they've had the actor clamped down by now. They had Matt Smith signed up a year before his first appearance
  4. Hmm? No. What's happening is this is a Nintendo Direct replacing the E3 conference. Then, as the days of E3 pass, they'll have loads of press events in E3 such as the Pokémon roundtable
  5. Well the solo release of the Christmas special has it looking much better, so I have hope that they won't do this again.
  6. Or it wasn't held back, localisation took time, and it's released when they planned?
  7. The fact that, before I sent them back and got the corrected one, most episodes had a third of the screen having severe grain is horrific. This image was sharpened to showcase it but it's essentially what the issue was They didn't even publically acknowledge the issue, just said to people who complained that they can send in and get it sorted free of charge. BluRay is meant to be the pinnacle of quality, but S6 was atrocious. I got the 2011 Christmas special on BluRay, since I lost my recording and it looks like they've fixed the issue. There was zero grain, and I've not heard of any issues with the S7 Part 1 and S7 Part 2 sets, but it's possible that it can happen again, especially if there are 17 episode across 6 discs rather than 14
  8. Yeah, but with S5 they put Tennant's specials in their own set because of the crossover. It makes no sense to have a boxset with one story with an old Doctor and then an entire season with the new ones I just worry about picture quality with all the episodes. S6 had a serious transfer issue, I had to send my BluRays back to get it fixed, and there's still a problem with digital noise which makes me so sad, and it always distracts my rewatching of it
  9. I'm curious as to what's going on with the S7 BluRay Boxset There's no sign of a complete S7 box, while both halves are out in vanilla releases, so I'm wondering if they're holding off until the two specials and will include it in one big box with all 17 episodes across 7 discs, so the S8 box next year just has S8 with the new Doctor in it
  10. No, not really. It's been out for three months in Japan. If that was the case, they'd have worldwide launched it
  11. The sad bit is that it means they likely won't appear on the Wii U VC, so we can't upgrade them and play them on the GamePad
  12. They did that at the end of Season 1 when Eccleston left and Tennant joined...they were filmed months apart
  13. Yeah, but that'd be on a closed set so they can limit the people who know. It won't be outside on location so not spoiled by the general public who are out watching scenes as they're filmed
  14. When David Tennant left, I thought he couldn't be bettered. I was wrong. I hope I'm wrong in that Matt Smith can't be bettered, but I'm not hopeful. Just wish he had another season before leaving, but as the saying goes, leave them wanting more. Hopefully they don't spoil the identity of the new Doctor. They don't start filming Season 8 until January, so there will be no set reports like there was with Matt Smith, so there's no reason to reveal it early.
  15. I am a sad panda now
  16. Can do multiple arcs with one...there's no need to have a regeneration just for another arc
  17. Really hope it isn't Matt Smith leaving. He should be in it for longer than Tom Baker! :p
  18. Perhaps, but still :p
  19. I don't even know when my next night out is Not fair
  20. Platinum's Hideki Kamiya has confirmed that Bayonetta 2 will be in this
  21. Eww, kebabs But yeah, don't worry...next night out, I shall attempt it, no matter how hard it is for me to pluck up the courage to speak to someone
  22. Guarantee that when I do this, after you guys all succeed, I'll end up with a drink thrown at me and/or a failure lol
  23. Therein lies my problem, as explained in the last two pages :p
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