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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Reports are coming in that it's 90 minutes long, but it'll be 60 at least
  2. Don't see why they wouldn't
  3. This week Kirby's Dream Course (Nintendo) - €7.99/£5.49 (Available for €5.59/£3.79 if you own Kirby's Adventure, Ends May 30) Kirby Super Star (Nintendo) - €7.99/£5.49 (Available for €5.59/£3.79 if you own Kirby's Adventure, Ends May 30) Both 60hz
  4. Not sure if they still do it, but you may be able to take it to GAME, they have a disc cleaning service
  5. If the 50th anniversary has the following exchange as a greeting
  6. That episode was awesome. I loved the bits with the old Doctors in. I loved the resolution to the Clara stuff. I also love John Hurt's introduction. I've always liked him, and not just because he has played my namesake
  7. Did I not earlier say that Knack was one of the ones that did seem different? Though that may have been elsewhere That's not true. I have all three consoles, I follow the reveals for all three very carefully. Just because I run a Pokémon site in no way impedes my view. If Nintendo do something stupid, I call them on it. If Sony do, I call them on it. If Microsoft do, I call them on it. Gaming is my hobby, not just Pokémon, and I will always follow all aspects with the same scrutiny I do for Pokémon.
  8. If you're looking at the surface of "Trainer starts out, gets starter Pokémon, battles gyms and evil team, catches them all", then yes. However, when you look at gameplay, mechanics, extras etc. then absolutely not. Arguing Pokémon with me is an argument nobody can win :p
  9. Absolutely not. For one, most of the games you list are fewer and further between than many series on the other consoles. Zelda, for example. 4 big 3D games since OoT in 1998. Pokémon...hell no, you do NOT want to get me started Metroid...only three games since Prime in 2002 Mario Party...ok, but those lost it Animal Crossing, Smash Bros & Fire Emblem has pretty much been one per console and there's less than a handful of the first two. Besides, what Nintendo tend to do, especially of late, is take new gameplay ideas and rather than create new IPs based on them, which would likely have middling sales, they instead put it into established franchise. I'm not saying that they're exempt from this, as look at the New Super Mario Bros series. They're great games with fantastic level design, but they haven't exactly evolved. Compare the above to Assassin's Creed which has had 10 games since 2007 and only superficial changes to the gameplay
  10. Very well said and illustrates the point I have been pressing here for a while. Gaming has stagnated. The big developers are just pushing out the same stuff and any exclusives typically have a counterpart on the other console.
  11. December: Wii Fit U...just in time for the New Years Resolutions You forgot Lego Marvel Super Heroes and Scribblenauts Unmasked. Superhero crazy!
  12. My birthday is July 28th, so I may download and ask for the retail as a birthday present...and then if I ever replay the 2D Marios (which does happen from time to time), I'll use the retail copy. I'm a hard person to buy for, anyway, as I always buy what I want
  13. I just don't know if I can wait. I have little patience Will see the price ShopTo give it. GAME have it as £40
  14. It's Nintendo. When did we all lose faith in them. When they deliver, they deliver
  15. I hope so, but at launch? Hell no. Look at the stuff they've shown. Aside from Knack, it's just the same old stuff just with better graphics. Especially as many games are cross generation.
  16. The actual tweet specified "and other Wii U games", so I think we're safe...especially as there's no third party support. Ba-dum tch. Timing is key, here. Thankfully, the PS4 and next Xbox will have been revealed by then, so the buzz will all be about pricing and the games. Nintendo almost always delivers with games that cannot be beaten so if they ram this first, on say June 9th, they can potentially deflate a lot of the MS and Sony hype from the 10th. If they wait til afterwards, they'll just be overshadowed Look at the E3 Direct last year. Day before E3 started, and it was spectacular. I had never seen such positive Nintendo love on the Internet, and I haven't seen it since. I have no doubt the E3 Direct will blow it out of the park. We have all their current games named and dated. This E3 Direct will, for the Wii U, show only new content and that excites the hell out of me
  17. He said no games. I pointed out there are some games coming. If he said no "relevant" or "good" games, then yes. Nintendo need to market the bloody thing and sort out the retailers. Of course it and the games don't sell...nobody is fucking stocking them.
  18. With all these big cross-platform games this winter, it's not going to be pretty. I know many who don't see the allure of the PS4. It has pretty graphics, but they aren't as much of a jump as previous generations. Plus, it'll have launch title woes, as all consoles do which people seem to forget with each launch
  19. I think EA, and quite a few people across the net, are in for a shock with sales of the PS4/720 upon their release. General consensus I'm seeing is that people think they'll shoot out of the gate with 1m units in the first week but that's really not likely, especially if they are both to come out at the same time
  20. Oh boy. Not good. The internet is in rage mode. The guy has since deleted his tweets. He said something stupid when he has a family to support. If he loses a job because of this...sigh. This "this console is better/rubbish" stuff is getting worse than it ever has been before. Looking at the thread for this on GAF just makes me sad
  21. Same here, but it's waiting 5 weeks and clashes with Pikmin
  22. Best thing about the announcement today: No day limit. I was willing to cancel my pre-order if that occurred as it killd the original for me
  23. As evidence with their Sega stuff today plus stuff with Platinum, Square, Capcom etc., Nintendo are going a different way with third parties. Rather than begging for exclusive/timed DLC with multiformat games, they're helping third parties and funding exclusive games
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