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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Na, nothing yet.
  2. Someone on GAF suggested "P.I.Kachu" for the game name
  3. First off is a sequel to Pokémon Trozei. It's said to be a download title. Current status unknown Second game: A 3DS detective title where you partner with Pikachu. It features a rare Blue Pikachu as an antagonist. Release: 2015
  4. Aonuma is changing things because people are complaining about him not changing things. He was not changing things because people were complaining about him changing things. Seriously. This is ridiculous. Each Zelda game has been top quality. Absolute top quality. He is the right man for Zelda.
  5. Yes to all :p
  6. It's a Fairy slayer, though
  7. The way FPS and racers work is that a lot of it is extrapolation rather than live. If the connection is good, then it's not an issue, otherwise what the game does is just extrapolate speed, trajectory etc. That's why you sometimes see people darting about crazily. The game is catching up to them. Lag is still a major issue in FPS games. Extrapolation isn't necessarily feasible in a precision platformer such as Mario, with the level of interactivity that Mario has. It's the same reason as fighters have only just managed to be online.
  8. Those don't rely on precision platforming as much as Mario does. Just a small bit of lag would ruin Mario
  9. Just PR speak. They don't want to be seen as being "incompetent" by idiots who know nothing about things.
  10. Are you sure? At E3 they showed us having full camera control...
  11. This still cracks me up
  12. The V1.1 patch is now live. Fixes the Lumiose City glitch and the GTS filter glitch.
  13. Actually seeing people criticise this game due to file size
  14. In-Game, it seems like that. However, competitively, Mega Evolutions are an interesting mechanic. Really, you'd only want one on your team because you can only use one per battle. Doing this sacrifices the hold item for a 100 BST increase, and maybe different types and abilities. This can be useful, but with no items, you have to question what is the best course of action.
  15. There's another much easier way to EV train: Super Training doesn't make EV training easy...Hordes do Takes what, 2 minutes to do a Level 3 Mini-game to get +12 in a point. Sounds good, right? Let's say we're EV training in Speed. Your Pokémon is PokéRus'd and holding the Power Anklet. That's +8 on any Pokémon. Battle a Zubat and that's normally +1, so that's +10. Go to Connecting Cave and use Honey and/or Sweet Scent. Zubat Horde. 5 Zubats. +50 in one minute. Five of them, and then a standard Zubat, and you're fully EV trained in that stat.
  16. Sorry I haven't been posting these of late. Had my hands full
  17. Overview trailer
  18. http://www.doctorwho.tv/watch-the-day-of-the-doctor/ Cinema listings
  19. Yes they are
  20. 3DS is getting Wario's Woods this week. Shame that's not coming to Wii U
  21. Donkey Kong 3, Baseball and Pinball this week
  22. Yep they evolve through trade The different size ones have their stats alter. If they are bigger, their HP and Attack is larger while Speed is smaller and vice-versa for smaller
  23. It's not a Moon Stone either :p
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