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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. In 8 hours? Yes Why? Reviewers have implied it... They can't say anything due to an embargo, but it is implied.
  2. As stated on the page, you need the quest to be started by Professor Sycamore. You find him after beating rival in Kiloude
  3. I'm talking Start to "Final" Bowser, which is the completion as denoted by reviewers etc. Not start to all stars, which is my exact point.
  4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01lb74r Extended trailer. Matches the accounts of Comic Con
  5. For goodness sake. Every Mario game is easy to get from start to finish. The challenge has always been finding the secrets, the extra levels etc.
  6. That story is embellishing. He said it took him 8 hours to complete. He said he rushed. He didn't say "oh it's 8 hour average"
  7. He then noted that he rushed through it and other reviewers are saying he is incredibly wrong. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=711763 Etc.
  8. And Nintendo just last week put up Kid Icarus for a reduced price on the NA eShop. A handful of exceptions does not mean they don't do it.
  9. Basically, this is a standard practice. Nobody asks the other companies about it. Someone asks Nintendo, they answer the same answer that likely all the other companies would give. People bitch that Nintendo know nothing. This is the scenario. It is ridiculous.
  10. I'm talking about this point, not in general -_-
  11. Because people don't seem to go after them for every single decision they make. Everything Nintendo does people jump on these days. Nobody asks Activision these questions, or EA, or Microsoft, but yet Nintendo gets hounded. Also, Nintendo run schemes where they are reduced...see Pikmin 3 + Wonderful 101 among others. As for reducing permanently over time, Nintendo games hold their value for longer so...
  12. It's not like the other video game publishers do the exact same thing. Wait, what's that? They do? The horror... Yes, the other companies reduce it as time passes, but they start off the same as RRP. It is ridiculous to trash Nintendo for doing this and not everyone else. In fact, doing so shows a massive amount of bias.
  13. Yep. Everywhere is getting it at the same time
  14. Poor Atlantis is getting the shaft for this. Sucks to be them. BBC 1 that night is Strictly at 6:30, DW at 7:50, Casualty at 9:05. Incidentally, BBC Three is airing a lot of DW stuff that day too. First is a Doctor Who Live After Party from 9:05 to 10:05, then The Ultimate Guide to Doctor Who from 10:05 to 12:05. Apparently, X Factor has got a special One Direction night on November 23rd...convenient timing.
  15. In some ways, their online is amazing. The system with Pokémon X & Y is second to none. In others, it seems so clunky and backwards. It's tricky
  16. 50TH EPISODE NEWS! We can confirm that 'The Day of the Doctor' will air at 7.50pm GMT on 23 November. Mark the time in your diaries!
  17. Never! Bwahahahahahaha
  18. Rock Smash isn't an HM :p
  19. Ordered my Fit Meter from Nintendo's shop yesterday. Went with free delivery since I'm in no rush. Should be good I really suck at many of these Having issues in some where it's just not detecting my movement on the balance board or with the remotes. Sad
  20. You may need it, but there should be ways around
  21. You honestly think I was being serious? Good lord... I was intentionally being absurd.
  22. No blood, guns, realism or "edgy scenes"...clearly a rubbish game
  23. Compression does not necessarily mean a reduction of quality. You're thinking along the lines of JPEG compression. That's not how it works. Nintendo have been compressing the hell out of their games for years. It's a necessity in this industry, especially the way it is going.
  24. Also, Mario Galaxy had a decent amount of voice work and FMV. Any developer would tell you that FMVs and voice recordings are the files that take up the most space in a game Nintendo compress because it's better to compress than to just leave it open like many other developers do, especially in this day and age of digital downloads. Nintendo's compression techniques have never deteriorated the quality of any aspect in the game. Chill.
  25. Same here. I shifted it to my Christmas list for that reason
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