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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Ok, I'll take it back, but the vast majority are nowhere near that talented.
  2. That is weird as myself and many of my friends have spent hours online and had no issues. Could just be due to load. Regardless, my statement regarding a patch stands. If true, it definitely sounds server side and so a patch would not be logical. What the frak are you on about? You can join your friends. I have numerous times. Yes, I agree having the friends and then going onto Global would have been nice, but come on. You're being ridiculous and hyperbolising.
  3. Well I haven't had any issues, many people I know have had no issues. I've not seen that many people around the net complain that there are issues with the online. So, the logical conclusion is that it's a problem on your end, not theirs. As such, of course there is no word for a stability patch. Also, if there hypothetically were any issues, it'd be server side, not client side, so they wouldn't need to inform us of a patch on it, because they'd fix it on their end and it wouldn't require a patch. I still disagree with you on the item thing. Aside from the existence of coins and the fact they are one of the common items when you're in first, it's exactly the same as it has always been.
  4. Are you sure it's not your router disconnecting you? Also, I don't find the item balance screwed at all. Yes, it sometimes gives me coins, but I don't mind that. Coins do give you a short burst of speed, afterall. And yes, it's more likely for you not to get the amazing weapons when in the Top 3. That is how it has ALWAYS been. You have turned so bitter and I honestly don't get how... It saddens me
  5. Because that's the way races work in real life.
  6. Yeah, no fan created stage would ever have the level of polish and hidden aspects as a Nintendo made one, at least for Mario Kart. I really don't get why people want it.
  7. Seriously? I have played a lot of online and I have only had one disconnection and that's with my router which seems to hate Nintendo devices.
  8. To see how far it spreads.
  9. Rule #1 for making fakes: Go low quality. This hides all the blemishes Rule #2: Go realistic. Going for the huge megaton is not the way to go, but go for something simple, or established, and people believe it.
  10. Who says they aren't?
  11. If Nintendo were to release a home console RPG on the Wii U, or hell, bring GBA or DS ones to the Virtual Console, that would act as a very big selling point to the console and would drive sales, especially the former, no matter how much I object. It's illogical to assume they have shown their hand now. Because they're trying to spread it across the life of the console so it doesn't die a year or two before its replacement is ready, like the Wii did.
  12. Pic of the day. Here's Ike, Marth and…a brand-new stage! We've added a familiar setting from the Fire Emblem series, the Coliseum. In the original game, this place is filled with both hope and despair. There is machinery in the ground that activates variable platforms.
  13. I ripped victory from my friend earlier, and it was glorious
  14. Someone on GAF pointed something out. Look at the MarioKart Direct. Something is up with his left eye and doctors advise not to air travel if you have some eye issues, so that could be it. But we shouldn't speculate.
  15. Many of the people commenting on this around the net disgust me. Hope it's not serious and he gets well soon. He's the best person in the industry, in my view.
  16. Had me thinking it was a Wii U version at the start
  17. He's also rather ignorant. He goes in with his E3 predictions, but doesn't actually do any research to see what they have actually confirmed to be there, other than "ZOMG NO LIVE CONFERENCE"
  18. Watched it earlier and dear god. Fairly certain that gave me an aneurysm. He claims views of Nintendo Directs are going down? That's not true at all.
  19. Pic of the day. Brewster brings The Roost back to Smash Bros. Nothing beats watching a battle of famous fighters with a freshly brewed cup of coffee.
  20. Vgchartz isn't that accurate though...
  21. First stream is ready and counting down
  22. From later tonight: The Band of Thieves & 1,000 Pokémon From June 18th: Pokémon Art Academy
  23. Yeah, I too am having to stop play somewhat. Got two games to cover, and E3, and hunting for ORAS news
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